- Contact
- Transplant
- How we match organs
- History
- Frequently asked questions
- Living donation
- Facts about organ donation
- Connecting donor families & recipients
- Deceased donation
- Effective practices
- The UNOS Organ Center
- Organ Procurement Organizations
- Improving Organ Procurement and Oversight
- Actions to strengthen the U.S. organ donation and transplant system
- Increase direct services and resources to patients, donors, caregivers and families
- Improve access to the transplant healthcare system
- Enable the OPTN to collect donor potential data directly
- Increase transparency in OPO, hospital and system performance
- Reduce risk of organ delay, damage or loss in transport
- Maintain a safe, modern and reliable systems and infrastructure
- Enhance oversight and increase transparency of peer review process
- Make the OPTN an organization independent of the OPTN contractor
- Organ acceptance
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- Register to be an organ, eye and tissue donor
- Home
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- About
- National Donor Memorial
- Mission, vision and values
- Leadership
- Maureen McBride, Ph.D.
- Roger Brown
- Jacqueline O’Keefe
- Melissa Lane
- Dale E. Smith
- Liz Robbins Callahan
- Michael Ghaffari
- Neelam Singh
- Julie Nolan
- Tamara Rowe
- Nadine Hoffman
- Laura Cartwright, Ph.D.
- Steven Hall
- Ann-Marie Leary, MBA
- Paige Mudd
- Michael Letson, CPA, MBA
- Alicia Hennie
- Lisa Martinez
- Tina Rhoades
- Ankit Mathur
- Emy Trende
- Andrew Klein, M.D., MBA
- Jonathan Moore
- Tammy Farmer
- Financials
- History of UNOS
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- The national organ transplant system
- UNOS fast facts
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- The U.S. Organ Donation & Transplantation System
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- Events
- Advocating for actions to strengthen the U.S. organ donation and transplant system
- UNOS Organ Tracking Service - Integration to save you time
- Give
- NDLM-2024
- James Candelarias Story of Hope
- "The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating." - John Schaar
- Region 5 educational collaboratives
- Lung CAS summary data updated
- National Donor Memorial Announced
- UNOS Dedicates the National Donor Memorial
- Kirby Foundation Awards UNOS a $1 Million Grant
- UNOS Memorial Honors Transplant Professionals Who Have Died In Life-Giving Service
- UNOS Foundation Establishes Planned Giving Society
- UNOS Rededicates National Donor Memorial, Presents First Award of Excellence
- Vermont Man Honored with National Award of Excellence for Organ Donation Advocacy
- Read the New DTAC News to Learn about Efforts to Coordinate Case Reviews
- UNOS is your Partner in Patient Safety; Keep Us in the Loop!
- Toolkit available to assist programs in sharing donor and recipient information
- New Jersey Man Honored with National Award of Excellence for Organ Donation Advocacy
- Board approves publication of two committee guidance documents
- Organ Center Sets Placement Activity Record
- SRTR and UNOS researchers collaborate to publish two journal articles
- Important Reminder for OPO Staff Regarding Zero Mismatch Shares through UNet
- Pediatric and Liver Committees sponsor recently approved policy changes
- Discussion continues on funding, prioritization for IT initiatives
- Giving Organ Acceptance Consultants access to UNet
- Message to Transplant Program Directors & Administrators from OPTN/UNOS President
- Liver Allocation and HCC Exception Policy Changes Coming Soon
- OPTN/UNOS Officers and Board Members Elected
- Portland VA Medical Center Reaches Gold in Hospital Challenge
- Resources for recognizing and reporting potential infectious diseases in organ donors
- In Memoriam: H.M. Lee, M.D.
- UNOS has switched to Citrix conferencing tools for external meetings and trainings
- Frequently asked questions regarding information technology design, funding--Updated 5/13
- Important Transportation Information for OPOs and Transplant Programs
- Meet the Transplant Living Story of Hope Contest Winners
- OPTN Statement regarding lung transplantation and pediatric priority
- Policy Changes Recently Approved at May OPTN/UNOS Executive Committee Meeting
- OPTN response to court order regarding Sarah Murnaghan
- Outcome of OPTN/UNOS Executive Committee Meeting Re: Pediatric Lung Allocation Policy
- Parents of pediatric lung candidate plea for change to policy—Related News & Statements
- Michigan Woman Honored with National Donor Memorial Award for Excellence
- OPTN/UNOS Board approves significant revisions to deceased donor kidney allocation policy
- UNOS recruiting members for new OPTN VCA committee
- UNOS awarded continuation of national transplant network contract
- KPD program the beneficiary of generous assistance
- Eliminating combined heart/lung program status. What does this mean for existing programs?
- New guidance available regarding adult heart status 1A(b) device-related complications
- Updated guidance on living donor follow-up now available
- OPTN to implement new process for patient status verification
- Kidney Allocation Changes Approved
- Anticipated resumption of the transplant program-specific reports
- New members named to UNOS Corporate Affairs, Finance Committees
- OPTN/UNOS Board approves Fiscal Year 2014 budgets and fee structure
- Submitting information and evidence in support of LRB exception requests
- OPTN recruiting volunteers for new data advisory committee
- DCD in the neurologically aware
- Update on changes to the imminent and eligible death data definitions
- KPD match run options for waiting list candidates and exchange-ending donors
- Many OPTN/UNOS committees are seeking regional representatives
- MPSC will review pancreas programs for post transplant patient survival in early 2014
- Transplant Pro Turns One!
- Living donor kidney programs receive donor follow-up data submission rates
- Update from Ad Hoc International Relations Committee
- Brian Shepard named UNOS Chief Executive Officer
- OPTN Patient Safety Alert 1: Preventing the use of extra vessels in non-transplant procedures
- UNOS applauds Congressional passage of HOPE Act
- New effective date for revised OPTN 'imminent and eligible death data definitions'
- Trends and patterns in patient safety situations reported to the OPTN
- New policy change will benefit sensitized transplant candidates
- Successful fundraising allows for latest KPD programming
- KPDPP financial disclosure information to be included in operational guidelines
- Clinicians and non-clinicians encouraged to get involved in OPTN/UNOS committees
- Specific changes to KPD within the UNet application
- How to join the OPTN Kidney Paired Donation Pilot Program
- Preparing your patients for changes to the lung allocation system
- DiaSorin EBV Testing Kit has Potential to Produce False Negatives
- National committee formed to develop network policies for hand, face transplantation
- Rewritten, reorganized OPTN policies and revised evaluation plan launched in February
- Transplant programs may receive secure email regarding patient status information
- Clarification regarding DonorNet documentation for PHS Guidelines
- DTAC Develops Toxoplasma Screening E-Learning Module
- 2013 PHS Guideline resource document available for transplant centers and OPOs
- Webinar now available - The New Kidney Allocation System: What Referring Physicians Need to Know
- OPTN/UNOS Officers and Board Members Elected
- Policy changes approved by the OPTN/UNOS Executive Committee
- In Memoriam: William Pfaff, M.D.
- OPTN/UNOS Board places The Methodist Hospital on probation
- In Memoriam: Kathe LeBeau and Nefeterius McPherson
- UNOS Turns 30
- Alex Tulchinsky named UNOS Chief Technology Officer
- Access a recording of the April 24 webinar - new kidney allocation system: protocols and processes
- Potential Failure Point Identified in the Evaluation of Living Donors
- Work group to address OPTN policy relating to HIV-positive organ recovery
- Educational guidance recommends early patient referral for kidney transplantation
- Video module explains features and benefits of the OPTN kidney paired donation pilot program
- Patient Safety Alert: Hospira recall of irrigation/drainage sets
- Update magazine ceases publication
- AST offers transplant professionals webinars and resources
- Statement from liver committee chair regarding status of liver distribution discussion
- Patient Safety Alert: Baxter recall of sodium chloride irrigation solution
- Kidney paired donation pilot program participants: match run schedule to expand to two per week
- Richmond Times-Dispatch profiles UNOS as a Top Workplace in Richmond region
- Associate councillors make sure regions needs are heard
- Changes to the way you report patient safety situations
- New information is available to help patients discuss living donation
- Study assesses likely outcomes of revised kidney allocation system
- OPTN/UNOS leadership briefs Congressional staff members on key policy issues
- Transplant immunosuppressant drugs to remain a Medicare Part D benefit
- UNOS researchers contribute to study of likely improvements to kidney transplant outcomes
- New brochures available to explain changes in kidney and pancreas policy
- Input sought on concept document for liver distribution
- Social Worker Honored with NDM Award for Excellence
- OPTN/UNOS Board approves initial policies regarding limb and face transplantation
- Reflections from outgoing 2013-2014 OPTN/UNOS Board President
- Videos available to educate potential donor/candidate pairs about KPD
- 100th living donor kidney transplant arranged through OPTN/UNOS KPDPP
- UNOS employee receives AOPO executive director’s award
- Living liver donor policy requirements webinar
- June 2014 Board Meeting Wrap-up
- UNOS Researchers Present Studies at World Transplant Congress
- UNOS Researchers Present Studies at World Transplant Congress in San Francisco
- A Roadmap of Best Practices: Introducing the TQRGT
- Kidney Paired Donation Pilot Program report shares results
- Executive committee approves living donation policy change
- Committee to address transplant data collection and use
- View a recording of the OPTN kidney paired donation town hall
- Executive committee approves clerical change to pancreas allocation policy
- WPFL’s Hospital Campaign Enters Phase Four
- Town Hall Question and Answer Session on the new kidney allocation system
- Liver forum presentations, videos available
- Redesigned OPTN website launched September 26
- Liver forum provides key feedback
- Liver forum provides key feedback for additional committee discussion
- Expedited appeals and override reviews of thoracic review board decisions
- Transplant program performance monitoring webinar
- OPTN/UNOS Board Places Baptist Memorial Hospital on Probation
- Executive summary available for living kidney donation consensus conference
- OPTN members will now receive site survey information by secure email
- Alexion Pharmaceuticals to sponsor 2015 National Donor Memorial Award for Excellence
- National Organ Transplant Act enacted 30 years ago
- Reminder to OPOs about change to pancreas and kidney/pancreas allocation
- New pancreas transplant policies take effect
- The importance of managing critically ill or dying patients
- Committee studies reported safety situations to share lessons learned with transplant professionals
- OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors places two member institutions on probation
- OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors approves policies regarding living donor evaluation and consent, donor disease risk assessment
- Board places two member institutions on probation
- Board approves policies on living donor evaluation and consent, donor disease risk assessment
- The status of vascularized composite allograft allocation
- Guidance regarding Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)
- New training module available to educate professionals and patients about kidney allocation changes
- Liver Committee Chair on status of liver distribution discussion
- Status of discussion regarding liver distribution
- Revised national kidney transplant allocation system is now in effect
- Revised national kidney transplant allocation system is now in place
- Learn about policy changes approved at the November 2014 board meeting
- Reminder: register all candidates before transplant, including those receiving living donor organs
- Post KAS-Implementation reminder for kidney programs
- November 2014 Board Meeting Wrap-up
- Innovative electronic labeling and packaging solution spreads across OPOs
- UNOS forms Department of Member Quality
- Communicating UNet system changes in a new way
- Board election to be held electronically
- Journal article outlines efforts to study, improve adult heart allocation policy
- Early data suggest kidney allocation system meeting key expectations
- Public comment features new, blog-style format
- Liver committee update regarding liver distribution discussion
- In Memoriam: Debi Surlas
- Journal article describes importance of communications in addressing potential donor-transmitted infections
- Attn: OPOs and all organ recovery teams--Important recall notice
- Webinar recording available about revisions to new lung allocation system
- Officers and board members elected - 2015
- Labs are reminded to give UNOS a copy of their written agreement with transplant hospitals; new bylaws tell you specifically what to include
- OPTN/UNOS Officers and Board Members Elected
- Applying for OPTN vascularized composite allograft transplant program approval
- Enrollment begins for NIH-sponsored donor heart study (DHS)
- Study suggests little increase in number of potential organ donors
- UNOS named a Top Workplace in Richmond area
- Recording now available of webinar addressing OPTN Policies and the 2013 PHS Guideline for HIV, HBV and HCV
- In Memoriam: Elizabeth Sleeman
- UNOS unveils new logo
- Forms to add, update or remove someone from the membership database now require a middle initial or date of birth
- Living donor follow-up form changes will affect future data submission policy requirements
- UNOS Researchers Present Studies at American Transplant Congress
- UNOS Completes its First Electronic Election
- Recognizing and Testing for Chagas Disease
- Richmond Times-Dispatch profiles UNOS as a Top Workplace; cites benefits as a strength
- Educational toolkit, virtual town hall address transplant program performance reviews
- Transplant Network Reaches Milestone of 500,000 Deceased Donor Organ Transplants
- Florida Donor Parents Honored with NDM Award for Excellence
- Board places University of Pittsburgh Medical Center on probation
- Board releases two member institutions from probation
- Board approves policies to support HOPE Act, enhance VCA transplantation
- New resource explains changes to UNet patient safety portal now in place
- WPFL Hospital Campaign Enters Phase V
- Public comment sought on criteria for research involving transplantation to HIV-positive donor organs to HIV-positive recipients
- Liver public forum: Final Agenda and Presentations Available
- Liver forum and committee update from David Mulligan, M.D., chair, OPTN/UNOS Liver Committee
- June 2015 Board Meeting Wrap-up
- Roger Brown named Director of UNOS Organ Center
- Results available for 2015 UNOS member survey
- Maximum Allowable BMI has increased for Kidney-Pancreas Candidates
- Your transplant program may receive secure e-mail regarding your patient status information
- Instructions for Reporting HCC Lesions (Policy 9.3.G.iv)
- OPOs must use new sterile internal vessels label beginning Sept. 1, 2015
- OPO Staff Need to be Aware of Critical Changes to the DonorNet XML Schema
- UNOS support cited in New England Journal of Medicine study
- Training for system and policy changes regarding infectious diseases screening
- Organ Donation and Transplantation Alliance offers upcoming learning opportunities
- OPTN/UNOS Nominating Committee seeks board nominations
- Tufts study on how GFR's are measured seeks feedback from kidney transplant centers
- Gift of Life Institute announces its 2015 Fall/Winter National Trainings for donation professionals
- Need help updating the infectious disease acceptance criteria on your candidate records?
- Hope Act update
- Provide feedback on the 12 items out for public comment
- Instructional video explains VCA recovery, allocation and transplant processes
- We have completed mass update to HBV NAT positive candidate acceptance criteria
- VCA data collection
- LifeCenter Northwest hires new Vice President Finance and Administration
- Downloadable resources available for National Donor Sabbath
- Training for Liver Regional Review Board Members
- Dr. Marlon F. Levy named new chair of transplant surgery for VCU and director of Hume-Lee Transplant Center
- Policy changes affecting labs
- New Support Center application launching October 28
- Revised liver policy regarding HCC exception scores
- MMRF Awarded Continuation of SRTR Contract
- Diane Brockmeier Appointed New President and CEO of Mid-America Transplant Services
- Resource explains KPD informed consent requirement changes
- Changes for reporting extra vessel disposition
- Kidney paired donation pilot program: Five years of lifesaving service
- Federal safety alerts on heater cooler devices
- Upcoming MELD serum sodium policy implementation
- Effective Now: Policy changes requiring OPOs to re-execute the match run
- New Extra Vessel Reports Now Available in TIEDI®
- Kidney and liver transplant programs seeking HOPE Act IRB approval
- OPTN policies, procedures implemented to support HOPE Act
- UNOS staff contribute to study of broader geographic sharing of pediatric donor lungs
- Upcoming UNet Enhancements with You in Mind
- OPTN/UNOS Board approves policy to increase lung transplant access for children, establishes criteria for programs performing pediatric transplants
- Effective Now: Required re-entry of SSN and DOB when adding a candidate in Waitlist
- OPTN/UNOS Board Places Gulf Coast Medical Center on Probation
- OPTN/UNOS Board Declares Life Alliance Organ Recovery Agency a Member Not in Good Standing
- Policy and system changes adding serum sodium to MELD calculation
- Sneak previews of the 2016 UNOS Transplant Management Forum
- New and improved UNet homepage launches Dec. 16
- New data services portal in UNet
- UNOS researchers contribute to journal article describing trends in patient safety reporting
- MTS, Donor Alliance Receive Baldrige Recognition
- Coming soon: reinstating an “override” functionality for unresolved RRB exception requests
- New and Improved UNet Homepage Launched December 16
- December 2015 Board Meeting Wrap-up
- Expanded HLA typing requirements coming Jan. 21, 2016
- Policy and system changes effective January 11, 2016, adding serum sodium to MELD calculation
- More than 30,000 transplants performed annually for first time in United States
- Changes in place to HLA Typing requirements for KPD donors and candidates
- Changes in place to HLA Fields
- Increasing the number of organs available for transplants
- Advisory council formed for pilot project to increase kidney utilization, improve transplant program monitoring
- In Memoriam: Paul Terasaki, Ph.D.
- Listen to recording of heart allocation system webinar
- Effective now, reinstating an “override” functionality for unresolved RRB exception requests
- Guidance for organ donation and transplantation professionals regarding the Zika virus
- UNOS staff contribute to journal article highlighting implications of donor potential study
- Tell us about your professional education needs in a brief survey
- UNOS researcher contributes to review of A2/A2B to B kidney transplantation
- Enhancement to UNet Infrastructure and Browser Compatibility
- New Qualified Health Care Professional requirement as part of ABO policy changes
- OPO leadership share their best practices
- OPTN/UNOS Board places Histocompatibility and Immunology Laboratory at Methodist Hospital on probation
- OPTN/UNOS officers and board members elected
- Staff changes at Southwest Transplant Alliance
- Recent enhancement increases maximum BMI limits
- Pediatric heart allocation policy and system changes
- HOPE Act Update: First transplants performed
- Learn how 4 OPOs changed their organizational culture
- HOPE Act reminders for OPOs and transplant programs
- ABO Policy modifications take effect June 23, 2016
- UNOS named a top workplace in Richmond area
- UNOS Tech News is moving to a subscription service
- Webinar provides early results from phase V of WPFL hospital campaign
- Recent bequest to UNOS is non-profit’s largest ever
- RichTech selects UNOS as finalist
- Change to Improve Reporting of Aborted Procedures and Non-Transplanted Organs Effective Now
- Change requiring collection of data at time of removal for lung candidates supported by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) now effective
- New data services section on UNet now includes Center STAR files
- Angela Schlansker Promoted to Vice President of Human Resources at Mid-America Transplant
- Data services portal in UNet now includes Center STAR files
- Liver distribution policy proposal to advance for August public comment
- Zika webinar recording is available
- Analysis shows kidney allocation system achieving key goals
- Enhancement to the Waitlist Removal History Search
- COIIN project studying effective practices at model hospitals, OPOs
- UNOS honored for innovation in technology
- Waitlist enhancement enables online pediatric lung exception requests for adolescent classification
- Coming June 23rd – System changes related to ABO verification policy change
- We increased the maximum weight value for candidates and donors to 650lbs on May 25
- Pediatric heart allocation phase 2 system changes on July 7
- UNOS Connect is your new comprehensive learning management system
- Organ Recipient Honored with National Donor Memorial Award for Excellence for the first time
- Please respond to the 2016 UNOS member survey
- Prepare for a new process when the ABO policy change takes effect June 23
- OPTN/UNOS Board releases two member institutions from probation
- OPTN/UNOS Board places University Hospitals of Cleveland on probation
- 2016 UNOS Transplant Management Forum was a hit
- OPTN/UNOS Board actions June 2016
- OPTN/UNOS Key Board actions June 2016
- UNOS Researchers Present Studies at American Transplant Congress
- UNOS announces efforts to increase the number of transplants
- System changes related to ABO verification policy change are now in place
- Temporary Interruption of UNet Services on July 7, 2016
- UNOS Online Store offline from July 2 – 13
- June 2016 Board Meeting Wrap-Up
- HOPE Act update: more transplants performed; more hospitals participating
- Pediatric Heart Allocation System Changes Now Effective
- OPOs will soon have the ability to make facilitated pancreas allocation offers without Organ Center assistance
- Reporting serum lipase and serum lipase upper normal limit results at time of pancreas offers is now required
- Nevada donor network announces new HLA laboratory director
- Use Internet Explorer (IE) 11 or Chrome browsers, not Firefox, to access UNOS KPD system
- Call for nominations for the 2017-2018 OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors
- Application process open for pilot phase of COIIN project
- OPTN public comment opens August 15
- OPTN/UNOS registration fee increases for first time since 2013.
- Phase 1 of requirement to report serum lipase and serum lipase upper normal limit results at time of pancreas offers is complete
- 18-month analysis shows progress in kidney allocation system
- Webinar recording addresses liver allocation and distribution proposal
- OPOs can make facilitated pancreas allocation offers without Organ Center assistance
- CEO to retire after nearly 20 years at Texas Organ Sharing Alliance
- Recent DonorNet Changes to the Donor Feedback Form and TIEDI Deceased Donor Registration (DDR) Form
- WPFL's 2017 hospital campaign launches this fall; join them
- Journal article describes UNOS research in transplant priority for prior living kidney donors
- Combined transplant program site surveys coming soon
- OPOs now have 180 days to upload donor attachments
- Answers to common questions about data submission
- Use Google Chrome or IE11 browsers to access UNet
- KPD system enhancement allows you to put bridge donors on hold
- New ABO subtyping resource available
- Join us for upcoming ethics webinar
- University of Pittsburgh Medical Center released from probation
- What you told us about your educational needs
- UNet system account updates and reminders
- New kidney waitlist management tool now available in UNet
- Data services portal in UNetSM now includes kidney Waitlist management tool
- New OPO Best Practices Video Available
- We've added new options to the field “Donor Type” on the Living Donor Registration (LDR) forms to enable centers to accurately report non-domino therapeutic donors.
- Hospitals chosen for initial phase of COIIN pilot
- Hospitals chosen for initial phase of COIIN pilot
- Update: Mycobacterium chimaera infections associated with heater-cooler devices
- ‘Josh’s List’ Goes Viral
- Fallen Soldier Donor Memorial Unveiling
- OPOs and UNOS collaborate on two new DonorNet enhancements
- New program interfaces available for CPRA calculator, Donor XML uploads
- Webinar recording available to help you improve post-transplant communication of new donor information
- At one year anniversary, HOPE Act impact continuing to be assessed
- New living donor educational resource available Nov. 22
- UNet Security Administrators: requirements for login names when setting up new users
- TransNet application version updates
- Denise Kinder Named Strategic Development Officer of Donor Network West
- Sean Van Slyck Named COO of Donor Network West
- 2016 UNOS member survey results
- OPOs and UNOS collaborate on new DonorNet enhancements--match results page revised today
- Barry Friedman named senior administrative director of Florida Hospital Transplant Institute
- Jerome Menendez named new Executive Director for Lifesharing Of The Carolinas
- Upcoming UNOS system maintenance on Tues. Dec. 6 from 9-10p.m.
- OPTN/UNOS Board Places Indiana Donor Network on Probation
- Probation ended for Baptist Memorial Hospital
- UNOS wins international technology award
- OPTN/UNOS Board approves revised adult heart allocation system, clarifies exception points for liver transplant candidates with hepatocellular carcinoma
- Imminent and eligible definition data reporting changes
- Changes to requirements for donor information shipped with organs
- UNOS researchers examine rise in kidney discard rate
- UNOS researchers examine rise in kidney discard rate over time
- OPOs need to transition to new organ transport labels throughout 2017
- December 2016 board meeting actions
- Phase I of COIIN pilot begins in January
- New CEO Named at Texas Organ Sharing Alliance
- U.S. organ transplants, deceased donors set record in 2016
- New instructional recording available: DTAC and CDC Collaborative Case Reviews
- Waitlist enhancement allows you to edit SSN
- Marilou Donley named COO/CFO at Texas Organ Sharing Alliance
- Most recent update (Jan. 29) on the bacterial contamination of SPS-1
- Change to Waitlist field regarding pediatric lung candidates now in place
- Upcoming network maintenance on UNOS systems
- Message boards to UNet KPD system now available
- UNOS Mini-Primers offer members detailed, intensive learning
- New cultural competency instructional video now available
- In Memoriam – Thomas Starzl, M.D.
- UNOS again named top workplace
- DoT's new e-bulletin on research grant results
- FDA Alert Addresses Potentially Contaminated SPS-1 Static Preservation Solution
- Transplant program approvals and future pediatric component requirements
- Special public comment period begins March 27 for guidance document
- Explanation text box added to Improving Patient Safety Portal
- OPOs: Toxoplasmosis testing of all donors is now required
- Applications coming in May for second cohort of COIIN pilot
- Welcome to DonorNet® Mobile
- Recent UNet enhancements
- Stay up to date on recent policy changes
- OPOs will soon be required to submit PDTR form electronically
- Instructional video explains upcoming simultaneous liver-kidney policy and reporting requirements
- UNet user login and session management changes
- Adding OR date and time alerts to DonorNet
- UNOS Researchers Present Studies at American Transplant Congress
- UNOS Researchers Presented Studies at American Transplant Congress
- Application period is open for second cohort of COIIN pilot
- Reminder of policy resources
- Attendees rate 2017 TMF a success!
- Use the UNOS service portal for data requests
- New Topics available soon in transplant coordinator learning series
- Policy clarification – Pre-transplant crossmatch requirements
- Julie Bergin named President and CEO at Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates
- UNOS announces national donor memorial award winner
- OPTN/UNOS Board Places Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital on Probation
- OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors releases Methodist Hospital Laboratory from probation
- Guidance regarding donor Toxoplasma screening and organ acceptance
- New fields added in Waitlist to help you prepare for simultaneous liver-kidney allocation (SLK) policy changes
- OPTN/UNOS Board approves national board to review exception priority for liver transplant candidates, guidance document for transplant candidate education
- Call for nominations for the 2018-2019 OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors
- Board approves national liver review board and patient guidance
- Hospitals chosen for second phase of COIIN pilot
- Recovery and Usage Maps (RUM) Report debuts at AOPO Meeting
- Lauren Quinn Joins LifeGift Executive Leadership Team as Managing Director of Hospital Development
- See Spring 2017 program and opo-specific reports on SRTR secure site
- Journal article chronicles efforts to revise adult heart allocation policy
- Feedback wanted on issues related to organ recovery travel
- UNet enhancement in Waitlist: Donor ID added to Prior Donor HLA report
- Kidney allocation system updates in DonorNet
- Liver and Intestinal Transplantation Committee Updates June 2017
- Heart of the matter ethics webinar series by UNOS
- Data in focus – kidney transplants for highly sensitized recipients
- Voluntary recall of Cardinal Health brand sterile conventional syringes and needles
- Resources and training to prepare you for SLK changes
- A message to the transplant community
- Two-year analysis shows effects of kidney allocation system
- Odds for receiving a kidney transplant now equal for black, white and Hispanic candidates
- UNOS Organ Center at 35: A vital link with the transplant community
- Register Now for TFCA Annual Workshop
- Coming August 29: HLA Equivalency Table Update and addition of DQA1 equivalences
- New membership application forms in effect September 1
- Reminder: multiple guidance documents and resources are available
- Simultaneous liver-kidney allocation (SLK) policy changes now in effect
- Modeling results available for liver proposal
- Staff Changes at STA
- Blood type B candidates transplanted faster with non-A1/non-A1B kidneys
- TIEDI® enhancements allow for self service on recipient follow up forms
- New Implementation date for HLA Equivalency Table Update and addition of DQA1 equivalences
- Upcoming Enhancement to Patient Safety Contact List
- Adding acceptor sequence number to ROOT Report in UNet
- In Memoriam – Gene A. Pierce
- Hurricane Preparedness
- We’ve updated the HLA Equivalency Tables and added DQA1 equivalences
- Public comment is open
- New booklet advises transplant candidates seeking a living donor
- OPTN/UNOS committee members needed; contact us
- Final modeling data available for liver proposal
- Change to MPSC outcomes review process meant to encourage kidney utilization, transplants
- New Donor ABO Audit Log in DonorNet®
- Liver webinar to address modeling data and get additional proposal feedback
- Register for live webinar to learn about changing heart allocation policy
- Mac users can now access UNet while using Google Chrome
- New Histocompatibility General Supervisor Key Personnel Requirement
- Board of Directors releases University Hospitals of Cleveland from probation
- Board releases University Hospitals of Cleveland from probation
- Next phase of COIIN underway
- DonorNet enhanced to add transplant center name for primary on-call contact
- Compromise liver proposal to advance for board consideration
- Webinar to discuss liver proposal
- OPOs and UNOS collaborate on new UNet enhancements
- TransNet required for VCA organs on November 1
- Adding five infectious disease tests to DonorNet®
- Reporting key personnel changes
- New data submission compliance report
- Data in Focus: Transplants continue under HOPE Act
- Policy modification to lung distribution sequence
- TransNet System Support: Android Release
- TransNet System Support
- TransNet System Compatibility
- TransNet Application Version Update
- Coming Soon: New TransNet Report in UNet Data Services Portal
- Implementation of TransNet application updates
- Coming Soon: TransNet will be required for VCA organs
- TransNet Application Reminder
- At two years, HOPE Act still offering hope
- Board approves enhanced liver distribution system
- Board of Directors releases Life Alliance Organ Recovery Agency from Member Not in Good Standing
- Board addresses organ placement efficiency, en bloc kidney allocation
- Improvements to Report of Organ Offers (ROO)
- Important Disease Transmission Reporting Clarification
- Adding HLA equivalency table screening to OPTN kidney paired donation system
- HCC automatic approval criteria updated
- Nominees Chosen for Board of Directors Election
- Clarification: recent update to HCC auto-approval policy
- New Intestine Program Applications and Bylaws
- Special public comment proposal for HCC auto approval criteria
- Resolve to learn more in 2018
- New Year – New
- Deceased organ donors in United States exceeded 10,000 for first time in 2017
- Enhancements to notifications in DonorNet
- Committee to address geographic aspects of organ distribution
- Public comment sought
- New form for prior living donor waiting list priority
- Change to messaging IP addresses for organ offers
- COIIN participants – share your insights at Learning Congress
- Transplant coordinator learning series
- Policy change: Automatic approval of exception extensions for certain HCC candidates
- Upcoming pediatric transplant program component requirements
- TIEDI system enhancement to add PX ID to patient history search results
- Bill Hasskamp joins the DMG Registry Web Portal as Program Director
- Similar survival rates for PAK and SPK transplants
- Data elements in Center STAR Files will be updated on June 4, 2018
- DonorNet® Mobile upgraded for OPO users
- UNOS and Walgreens announce transplant research project
- Temporary interruption of TIEDI services the morning of Feb. 28
- OPTN/UNOS summit to address OPO, transplant center, system metrics
- Histocompatibility General Supervisor Key Personnel Requirement Now in Effect
- Learn how programs are performing non-A1, non-A1B transplants
- UNOS named a 2018 top workplace in Richmond
- Notice addresses organ preservation solution
- Access UNOS Resources during Patient Safety Awareness Week
- Reminder for pancreas programs about maximum allowable BMI
- Training series highlights tools in the Data Services portal
- New addition to UNOS histocompatibility learning series
- Recently updated online help
- OPTN/UNOS Board members named
- OPOs find RUM report valuable when placing non standard organs
- OPO site survey process evolving and improving
- UNOS celebrates 34th anniversary founding
- Southwest Transplant Alliance names regional director
- Smithfield Foods Donation Helps Fund the Development of Life-saving Technology
- Interactive living kidney donor follow-up dashboard available
- We’ve updated the OPO Report of Organ Offers (ROO) based on your feedback
- Encourage donor registrations at your OPO or Transplant Center
- Identify and correct data discrepancies using monthly reports
- TIEDI enhancements allow for self-service on living donor follow-up forms
- New booklet advises parents of pediatric transplant patients
- Change to Immunosuppressive Medications Section in TIEDI
- Quarterly Update of Standardized Benchmark Reports Available
- OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors releases Indiana Donor Network and Gulf Coast Medical Center from probation
- A message from Brian Shepard about an upcoming member survey
- Keep patient safety contact info current
- Coming Soon: 5-Tier Outcome Assessment Update
- 2018 UNOS TMF breaks records and earns high ratings
- Additional data elements in Center STAR files available June 4
- Schedule of upcoming heart, liver policy actions
- UNOS Researchers Present Studies at American Transplant Congress
- OPOs find organ utilization tool helpful
- UNOS announces 2018 National Donor Memorial Award winner
- RUM report recently expanded to include other organs
- OPTN/UNOS Board adopts principles of geographic organ distribution
- Education available for DonorNet organ offer system changes
- Improving organ placement processes in DonorNet®
- OPOs: new shipping labels required July 1, 2018
- OPO benchmark reports now available
- Frequently asked questions about DonorNet organ offer system changes
- Resources related to geographic distribution discussion
- Upcoming heart allocation policy change
- Improving the transplant system with collaborative research
- Call for Nominations for the 2019-2020 OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors
- Lung program clinical trial begins July 9
- New wait time request forms available in UNet
- Changes to Adult Heart Allocation Policy Effective this Fall
- Spring 2018 OSRs Upcoming Release, PSRs Delay
- New educational offerings for transplant social workers
- Plan now for the next UNOS Primer - October 9 in Minneapolis
- Liver distribution update
- Updated resources for geographic distribution
- PDF versions of status justification forms now available in UNet
- Constituent Council initiative tests options to improve committee structure
- Recently published white paper explores ethical aspects of manipulating waitlist priority
- Recall notice affects IV solutions
- WPFL recognizes transplant centers for organ donation awareness efforts
- Ad Hoc Committee formed to address OPO, transplant center, system metrics
- New Name, Same Mission
- COIIN Learning Congress shared key lessons
- Newly available VCA resources
- Visit from the MPSC? “Don’t freak out”
- NLRB, liver distribution implementation postponed
- Learn more about the OPTN KPD program with a new dashboard
- “Grateful” for the journey with MPSC
- UNOS upgrading member data platform
- Currently accepting nominations for open committee positions
- OPTN disaster relief information refresher
- Now Available on the SRTR Secure Website: the Delayed Spring 2018 PSRs
- You can now submit new status justification forms for adult heart and heart/lung candidates
- UNOS and transplant professionals collaborate on innovation, improvements
- Donor hospital location updates
- SRTR modeling results are available for liver distribution proposal
- Refreshed Data Services portal; more options, easier to use
- Temporary changes on DonorNet match results page
- Special public comment period addresses liver distribution
- Applications coming soon regarding definition of transplant hospital
- Download the 2019 scorecard for HRSA's WPFL campaign
- The new adult heart allocation policy takes effect this Thursday, Oct. 18, 2018
- The new adult heart allocation policy is now in effect
- New UNOS service portal
- We've updated UNOS Login Banner Language on UNet
- Your UNet security administrator helps keep UNOS systems safe
- HLA equivalency tables are changing in Dec. to include new values and other enhancements
- Learn more about National Liver Review Board
- Updates from kidney and pancreas committees regarding geographic distribution issues
- Liver distribution proposal advances for board consideration
- Thank you for participating in UNOS’ member survey!
- UNOS wins contract to continue as national transplant network
- Committee defines key drivers of system performance
- Jill, liver recipient
- Three years of HOPE
- How we can improve UNOS systems to make things easier for you?
- OPTN/UNOS Board approves updated liver distribution system
- We've updated HLA equivalency tables and added new values and other enhancements
- SRTR modeling results available for kidney and pancreas distribution proposal
- Recall notice affects Sodium chloride vials
- 2019 DonorNet® imaging study pilot
- 100 people transplanted thanks to HOPE Act
- Transplant center staff: create and share your custom reports with others in Waitlist
- Public meeting to finalize recommendations for transplant system performance
- OPTN/UNOS operations not affected by partial federal shutdown
- Deceased donor kidney recipient ethnicity reflects waiting list
- 2018 living donor transplants increase 11 percent
- Organ transplants in United States set sixth consecutive record in 2018
- Upcoming policy implementation reminder for labs and OPOs
- 5-Tier System Moving from Beta Site to Public Site
- Public comment open January 22 through March 22, 2019
- Nominees Chosen for Board of Directors Election
- Annual UNOS staffing survey
- Getting patients ready for transplant sooner
- Creating the first national donor image sharing hub
- Creating the first national donor image sharing hub
- DonorNet® imaging study pilot in 2019
- Image sharing: Q&A with Donor Network West
- Coming Soon! is merging with
- National Liver Review Board implementation postponed
- Study finds effective outcomes for A2 to B transplants
- KAS increases equity in access to kidney transplantation
- Increasing high KDPI kidney utilization
- Improving patient readiness in the kidney waitlist
- Achieving a shorter, more active kidney waitlist
- COIIN Results: Increasing the use of high KDPI kidneys
- 2019 annual UNOS request for information is available
- Saint Barnabas Medical Center recognized for excellence
- Geographic distribution efforts ongoing
- March System Performance Committee meeting
- TMF Session Highlights
- New Board members named
- Reducing the interval between evaluation and listing
- New site guide & FAQ
- New for travelers on behalf of UNOS: online travel reimbursement
- What has KAS achieved? Mark Aeder, M.D., talks about the system's success
- The Mayo Clinic on best practices and achieving common goals through collaborative improvement
- Unexpected HCV donor-derived transmissions on the rise
- Lowering average time from referral to listing at Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center
- Preview available for OPOs: new liver distribution match lists
- Recent DonorNet improvements resulting from innovation events
- UNOS collaborates with surgeons at ASTS innovation event
- In Memoriam: Oscar Salvatierra, M.D.
- DonorNet Mobile for OPOs release adds deceased donor information
- National Liver Review Board to be implemented April 30
- Liver distribution policy targeted for April 30 implementation
- Multi-organ transplant (MOT) nearly doubles in six years: What are the ethical implications?
- National Liver Review Board implementation webinar April 15
- National Liver Review Board, liver distribution to be implemented April 30, 2019
- How will the new liver system help pediatric patients?
- New functional inactivity guidelines for pancreas programs
- Lung and liver perfusion on the rise
- James Pittman on the art of transplant administration
- Game changers: At the forefront of organ perfusion technology
- Increasing lung utilization through organ perfusion
- Pediatric transplant recipient grows up to give back
- Donor Alliance of Colorado receives Presidential award for Performance Excellence
- KPD Histocompatibility Testing Requirements Checklist
- KPD exchange overview updates
- “Turbo-charging” organ placement
- Clarification of CPRA calculation value and display
- Dr. David Klassen on making more organs available with perfusion technology
- An innovative approach to transitioning care
- OPO success strategies
- Will organ perfusion transform transplantation?
- OPOs set records for organ donation in 2018
- New England Donor Services Shares OPO Strategies for Success
- Liver distribution policy, NLRB implementation deferred until May 14
- Liver policy goes into effect May 14
- Jacqueline O’Keefe of UNOS Member Quality: partnering to improve best practices
- Changes to liver policy and exception score process are in place
- New liver allocation policy still in effect
- Senior UNOS Researchers leading interactive data session at TMF
- Katherine "Katie" Barton
- Ethan Troy Williams
- Paul Charles Harris
- Luke Delaney Glen Cockey
- Charles Michael Reese
- Maria Diaz
- Liver allocation policy to revert to DSA-based system May 23
- Submit your staffing survey data
- Pre-implementation notice: OPTN liver allocation policy to revert to DSA and regions May 23, 2019
- System notice: OPTN liver allocation policy reverted to DSA and regions
- Liver allocation policy reverted to DSA and regions
- NLRB update: MMaT calculation now based on DSA of transplant hospital
- How the UNOS OPO Benchmark Report helps maximize liver offers
- Korinne Ashley Shroyer
- Susie Diaz
- Annual kidney allocation calculator updates
- Next steps for the first national donor image sharing hub
- UNOS researchers present studies at American Transplant Congress
- Douglas Karl Constantine
- Webinars discuss revisions to kidney and pancreas allocation policies
- Creating a fair and equitable system by increasing access to organs
- OPTN Board approves updated heart, VCA allocation
- Heart recipient honored with 2019 NDM Award for Excellence
- UNet feature added - password change notification
- Lifeline of Ohio LGBTQ+ outreach: Increasing donor registrations
- Added a donor highlights change log to DonorNet on June 19
- Alan Bruce Frick
- National Kidney and Pancreas webinars discuss SRTR modeling results
- UNOS implemented a new secure email system on May 30, 2019
- Patient Status Confirmation link available in UNet on July 1
- LifeLink of Georgia increases African-American organ donation
- Transplant Administrators Can Now Access 2018 Staffing Survey Results
- LifeLink of Georgia nearly triples African-American donors
- Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital released from probation
- Melanie Heusted-Cybulski
- Ricky Mullane
- Better offer screening
- Kidney and pancreas committees refine distribution policy options
- Reducing unwanted organ offers
- How OPOs improve performance and increase transplants nationwide
- Removing BMI and C-peptide from kidney/pancreas waiting time criteria
- Assign training to your staff with UNOS Connect's latest feature
- Now Available: Spring 2019 PSRs/OSRs
- Roberto Cuebas
- Linda M. Stanley
- Updated OPO Benchmark report released today -- contains new comparison group
- View distance from donor hospital to transplant hospital on heart and lung matches
- Recommended effective practices related to following the match run sequence
- Call for nominations for 2020 board and committees
- Webinars provide information about public comment proposals
- New OPTN organ transplant labels available now
- Camryn Alexis Barrows
- Changes to UNOS Messaging service for organ offer notifications
- Elizabeth Jane Clagett
- Kayshla Michelle Torres
- UNet enhancements developed during NATCO's UNOS Innovation Event now in place
- 10 things UNOS is doing to increase organ utilization
- We measure just about everything we do
- SRTR announces leadership change
- Dual and en bloc kidney changes in place
- Labs gain access to Data Services beginning Sept. 11
- Median MELD and PELD scores at transplant updated
- New TIEDI® APIs now available
- Extra Vessels changes are in effect
- Need feedback from transplant professionals on social media and living donors
- Educational webinar addressed NLRB process
- Transplant patient webinar addresses proposed changes to kidney and pancreas distribution
- UNet University e-learning modules now available
- Relisting a K-P candidate as a KI Candidate
- UNet Site Security Administrator Audit
- Median MELD and PELD at transplant scores updated
- DonorNet Mobile release adds vital signs and HLA info to donor record
- Now accepting nominations for Heckenkemper Transplant Leadership Award
- Offer filters pilot closed October 2
- Important information for TMF exhibitors and sponsors
- Public comment sought on split liver variance
- MaryGrace Pickett
- Extra Vessels changes
- Why reporters should visit their local organ procurement organization
- Committees to review kidney and pancreas proposals
- Advanced TransNet training for OPOs coming in 2020
- KPD system priority points updated
- Kidney and pancreas allocation proposals modified
- Improving our technology infrastructure
- RUM report tool expanded to include pancreas data
- Center code required for OPTN label orders
- OPTN members network and learn from UNOS employees at Primer event
- Uniting policy and information technology
- Modifications made to kidney and pancreas allocation proposals
- Ryutaro Hirose, M.D., to join SRTR as surgical director
- Updates to security administration site will launch January 16
- Curtis Dylan Lowe
- Emily Marie Gonzales
- A friend’s gift: Becoming a living liver donor
- New study reveals variations in risk among living kidney donors
- Transforming policy into algorithms
- CORE's performance excellence honored with Baldrige Award
- TIEDI® APIs now available for living donor registration and living donor follow-up
- Public comment sought; Liver access for urgent candidates in Hawaii and Puerto Rico
- A father's voice
- OPTN board adopts new policy to improve kidney, pancreas distribution
- Pre-implementation notice: Removing DSA from thoracic allocation system
- Changes coming to UNOS Service Portal emails beginning Dec. 18, 2019
- National Donor Memorial virtual tour offers online visitors a 3D experience
- Amy Louise Edwards
- "I love it when people share great ideas": TMF Best of the Best winner Julie Yeh
- Efficient organ allocation: A message from Gift of Life Michigan's Walter Herczyk
- Efficient organ allocation
- Kidney Accelerated Placement Project launched in 2019
- New data tool for transplant programs: Living liver donor follow-up report available on UNet℠
- Improving our technology infrastructure
- Patient status confirmation link available in UNet℠ on Jan. 17, 2020
- The OPTN Patient Information Letter has been updated
- Tammy Siler
- Hypothermic machine perfusion: An alternative for organ preservation
- Transplant hospital definition bylaws effective Jan. 13
- UNOS researchers discover a new way to predict kidney utilization rates
- DSA removed from thoracic allocation system Jan. 9, 2020
- Organ donation again sets record in 2019
- Organ donation again sets record in 2019
- What's behind the rise in living organ donation?
- Living donation: One person can make a big difference
- The new security administration application has been implemented
- Educating the next generation: kidney transplant surgeon Stuart Geffner, M.D.
- Kidney waiting list management tool on UNet℠: Now updated with user-friendly enhancements
- Pushing boundaries to improve organ utilization efficiency
- Updated liver and intestinal organ allocation policy to be implemented Feb. 4, 2020
- Pre-implementation notice: Liver and intestinal organ distribution based on acuity circles to be implemented Feb. 4, 2020
- Making DonorNet® more efficient
- Public comment open from Jan. 22 through March 24 2020
- Chair of Transplant Administrators Committee previews opening session of TMF
- Inside the Organ Center
- Making liver distribution more fair and equitable
- Michele Fleeger
- Transforming policy into algorithms
- Improving DonorNet Mobile℠: A Q&A with Lloyd Board
- Annual UNOS staffing survey now open
- Annual UNOS RFI: 2020 documents now available on the UNet℠ transplant administrators website
- Requests for Potential Transplant Recipient corrections on match runs
- Introducing UNOS’ new mission and vision statements
- Introducing UNOS’ new mission and vision statements
- Upcoming changes to histocompatibility and CPRA display in UNet
- Nominees chosen for 2020 Board of Directors election
- The most active living donor liver transplant programs
- UNOS hosts briefing for congressional staff members
- New national liver and intestinal organ transplant system in effect Feb. 4, 2020
- System notice: Liver and intestinal organ distribution based on acuity circles implemented Feb. 4
- Field notification addresses perfusion circuit sample port
- Is natural language processing useful in predicting organ acceptance?
- UNOS welcomes new board members
- “Saving children is about preserving our future.”
- Access for urgent liver candidates in Hawaii and Puerto Rico to be implemented Feb. 18
- Webinar to address NLRB effective practices
- An Expedia for organ transplantation: Predicting travel time
- 2019: Record-setting year for living donation
- Using data to save lives: Neelam Singh on UNOS business intelligence
- UNet℠ API now available for retrieval of Waitlist℠ registration information
- Using data to save lives
- System notice: Access for urgent liver candidates in Hawaii and Puerto Rico implemented Feb. 18
- Introducing UNet℠ Image Sharing: A Q&A with Randall Fenderson
- Key personnel to be displayed in OPTN Member Directory
- Policy and programming changes associated with the "clarifications on reporting maintenance dialysis" proposal to be implemented on April 1
- In Memoriam: Jeremiah Turcotte, M.D.
- Director of kidney transplant at HCA Henrico Doctors’ Hospital Lisa Matthias
- Why I volunteer: Lisa Matthias, Henrico Doctors’ Hospital
- Changes to histocompatibility typing and CPRA display
- Improving DonorNet Mobile℠
- System notice: Clarification of pre-existing liver disease implemented March 1
- Advancing American kidney health through collaboration
- Review of SRTR program-specific reports begins April 1, 2020
- UNOS launches new pediatric liver collaborative; OPTN launches new improvement website
- Call for transplant professionals to participate in survey on predictive analytics
- UNet℠ Image Sharing: A consistent, secure and seamless platform
- Changes coming to the Organ Offer Report for transplant centers
- Melodie McGee
- UNOS ambassador Monette Rockymore
- Why I volunteer: UNOS ambassador Monette Rockymore
- Call for nominations for OPTN Heart Committee and Lung Committee
- UNet℠ API available for retrieval and submission of Waitlist℠ unacceptable antigen data
- Actions address transplant candidate data reporting, candidate inactivation related to COVID-19
- COVID-19 updates: March 18, 2020
- CMS issues COVID-19 guidance to health care providers
- COVID-19 updates: March 20, 2020
- COVID-19’s impact on organ donation and transplantation discussed at multi-society webinar
- COVID-19 updates: March 24, 2020
- Special pathogens update
- Then and now: Living donor liver transplantation
- OPTN policy link added to DonorNet®
- COVID-19 refusal codes for transplant hospitals implemented March 25
- COVID-19 inactivation process for multiple kidney transplant candidates
- COVID-19 updates: March 27, 2020
- COVID-19 updates: March 28, 2020
- Using behavioral research to test and improve transplant decision making
- Changes to the Organ Offer Report for transplant programs
- COVID-19-related cause of death option now available for transplant recipients and candidates
- COVID-19 updates: April 1, 2020
- SRTR data review period for program-specific reports now open, deadline extended until May 31
- COVID-19 updates: April 4, 2020 new policy changes
- Updates to OPO notification limits for electronic notification for heart, lung, and heart-lung matches
- Automated organ offer voice notification update
- COVID-19 updates: April 10, 2020
- Kidney waiting time modification form for non-dialysis candidates now available
- TIEDI ® System Updates: Temporary changes related to submitting LDF and TRF forms
- COVID-19 updates: April 14, 2020
- Join collaborative COVID-19 webinar hosted by New York organ donation and transplant professionals
- COVID-19 updates: April 18, 2020
- Introducing UNet℠ Image Sharing
- New donor data collection for COVID-19 testing and results added to DonorNet
- COVID-19 updates: April 22, 2020
- COVID-19 reactivation process for multiple kidney transplant candidates
- Annual UNOS staffing survey deadline extended through Dec. 31, 2020
- COVID-19 updates: April 24, 2020
- Lukas Willoughby-Grube
- Stronger together: A collaborative study between U.S. and U.K. researchers
- COVID-19 Weekly RUM Report now available
- COVID-19 updates: April 28, 2020
- Pre-implementation system notice: Reactivation of liver candidates to MELD or PELD score without entering new lab values
- Pre-implementation notice: Extension of HOPE Act participation to all organ types
- COVID-19 updates: May 1, 2020
- COVID Collaborative webinar: Telemedicine, transplant and COVID-19
- Getting to organ offer acceptance faster: A Q&A with Rob McTier
- Joseph Andrew Armstead
- Courtney Ray Sterling
- System notice: Reactivation of liver candidates to MELD or PELD score without entering new lab values
- Donation and transplant professionals: Share your COVID-19 practices in real time
- Implementation of changes to DonorNet® XML schema for COVID-19 testing and results
- Bio form updated for volunteering for board or committee service
- COVID-19 updates: May 15, 2020
- AST releases recommendations and guidance for organ donor testing
- New donor data collection test type for COVID-19 testing and results added to DonorNet®
- COVID Collaborative kicks off with telemedicine webinar
- Offer Filters Explorer tool available to kidney transplant programs starting May 20
- Pre-implementation system notice: VCA distribution to be based on fixed distance circle of 500 nautical miles
- User experience updates to the DonorNet® visual design
- COVID-19 updates: May 20, 2020
- Collaborating during COVID-19
- Robert James Gusman
- Implementation notice: Extension of HOPE Act participation to all organ types
- UPDATE: Randomized trial of mild hypothermia and machine perfusion in deceased organ donors
- Annual kidney allocation calculator updates
- New UNOS Connect resources for donation and transplant professionals
- In Memoriam: Margo L. Akerman
- Alexander Iain Newlove
- Sarah Elizabeth Andersen
- UNOS researchers to present studies at American Transplant Congress
- Transplants bounce back to near pre-COVID-19 levels
- Changes coming to the kidney paired donation data dashboard
- Clarke Danielle Quarles Reese
- Pre-implementation system notice: Modification of the lung transplant recipient follow-up form (TRF)
- UNOS ambassador and heart transplant recipient Amber Eck
- Why I volunteer: Amber Eck, UNOS ambassador
- Madeleine Grobmeier
- COVID Collaborative webinar: COVID-19: Past, present and future OPO operations
- COVID-19 updates: June 8, 2020
- Collaboration in the transplant community during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Changes to the kidney paired donation data dashboard now available
- Additional provisions adopted to upcoming kidney, pancreas distribution system
- Taylor Storch
- UNOS announces 2020 national donor memorial award winner
- Achieving racial equity in transplantation
- COVID-19 pandemic ignites collaboration in the transplant community
- UNOS ambassador and kidney transplant recipient Oliver Hale
- Why I volunteer: Oliver Hale, UNOS ambassador
- Better screening accelerates organ offers
- COVID-19 updates: June 18, 2020
- Better screening accelerates organ offers
- System notice: VCA distribution to be based on fixed distance circle of 500 nautical miles
- The visual report of organ offers updated due to user feedback
- Living donor follow-up tools updated to align with the emergency changes to OPTN policy
- Liver recipient Colleen Reed, Ph.D.
- Why I volunteer: Colleen Reed, Ph.D., liver recipient
- Bridging the gap: Kidney biopsy results and transplant survival outcomes
- COVID-19: What have we learned to prepare for the next wave?
- Emergency actions help members protect patient safety and access to transplant during COVID-19
- COVID-19 policy keeps transplant patients safe, protects medical urgency status
- Study of OPTN regional structure and process begins
- Implementation system notice: Modification of the lung recipient TRF
- Thoracic Committee Dissolved July 1; Heart and Lung Committees begin new work
- Making organ recovery transportation safer for transplant teams
- COVID-19 updates: July 2, 2020
- Carolinas Medical Center histocompatibility laboratory director Pete Lalli
- Why I volunteer: Pete Lalli, Ph.D., Carolinas Medical Center
- Bridging the gap
- Public Health Service guidance updated regarding donor screening for bloodborne disease transmission
- A message from Brian Shepard about the upcoming 2020 member survey
- Information for kidney programs about the UNOS Labs℠ Organ Tracking Pilot
- Notice of implementation of new OPTN Membership Application forms
- Update on the OPTN COVID Collaborative
- Join the July 24 webinar: "COVID-19: Past, present and future transplant center operations"
- John Pinkston — "Johnny"
- Gauging social media effectiveness in finding living donors
- Analyzing adult heart allocation policy
- “Can do, passion and caring”: OPO CEO Jeff Orlowski on embracing change during COVID-19
- COVID-19 updates: July 17, 2020
- Temporary interruption of UNet services on Thursday, July 23 starting at 7 a.m.
- Gene Zellmer
- Jason “Jay” Czoschke
- Jason E. Mattson
- Former board president Sue Dunn steps down as Donor Alliance CEO
- Increasing utilization of moderate-to-high KDPI kidneys
- COVID-19 updates: July 23, 2020
- Investigating familial kidney disease to assess donor risk of ESRD
- Update to Waitlist kidney minimum acceptance criteria page displays date of most recent edit
- Kirby Foundation gives $75,000 to promote organ donation
- OPO CEO Charlie Alexander on increasing organ recovery during COVID-19
- Using machine learning to improve kidney allocation rates
- Jaxson Jayce Turrentine
- COVID-19 webinars now available on UNOS Connect
- COVID-19 updates: July 31, 2020
- Public comment open from Aug. 4 through Oct.1
- 36 years later: An organ donor's parents' story
- Policy implementation notice: National Liver Review Board enhancements effective August 4
- COVID-19 updates: August 5, 2020
- TransNet now available on iPhone devices
- Kidney Accelerated Placement project ended July 15, one-year pilot comes to a close
- Center effects greatly affect kidney access disparity
- In spite of the pandemic, we’re performing more deceased-donor organ transplants than in years past
- Aug. 20 UNOS COVID-19 update: Committee meetings virtual through October
- UNOS announces new research and development projects
- “The waitlist can't wait”: Jennifer Prinz on taking a people-first approach during COVID-19
- NLRB HCC extension automatic approval to take effect Sept. 10
- Register now to attend Innovations at UNOS webinar
- High-flying hopes: Are drones the future of organ transportation?
- New Waitlist feature provides insight into why certain candidates have been screened from matches
- Phase II of the offer filters project launches on Aug. 27
- OPO testing of deceased donors for COVID-19 ensures patient safety
- COVID-19 updates: Aug. 28, 2020
- Special public comment period begins Aug. 31 for proposed COVID-related lung diagnoses
- In Memoriam: G. Melville Williams, M.D.
- New initiatives support transplant hospitals, OPOs and patients
- VCA programs to reapply to OPTN ahead of upcoming changes to bylaws and policy
- Changes to unacceptable antigens in KPD and Waitlist
- Scientists find evidence of recipient factor in predicting donor ESRD
- COVID-19 update: Sept. 3, 2020
- Patient status confirmation link available in UNet℠ beginning Sept. 9
- Updated Median MELD at Transplant scores take effect Sept. 23
- Tools for managing data submissions now available
- Sharing images to save more lives
- Changes to kidney and pancreas allocation to be implemented later this year
- Nicole Medwick from CORE discusses first national donor image sharing hub
- COVID-19 update: Sept. 17, 2020
- AJT article reports on 10 years of potential donor-derived transmission events
- Tableau server upgrades and potential downtime on Sept. 23
- New online membership application tool offers benefits, launches to transplant programs Oct. 15
- In Memoriam: John S. Najarian, M.D.
- Review of SRTR fall PSR reports begins Oct. 1
- VCA transplant programs to begin reapplication period Oct. 8 ahead of new Bylaws
- 2019 staffing survey results now available, survey to remain open through December
- Now accepting nominations for 2021 Heckenkemper Transplant Leadership Award
- UNOS receives $106,000 grant from Fresenius foundation
- COVID-19 update: Sept. 24, 2020
- Setting travel safety standards for organ recovery teams
- Improvement to the Candidate Match Screen Report
- UNOS research analyst Julia Foutz on reducing the organ shortage and saving more lives
- SRTR contract renewed
- Donor hospital records updated for time zone, daylight savings time
- Researchers say OPTN modified heart policy achieving stated goals
- COVID-19 update: Oct. 9, 2020
- Annual updates to the Transplant Center Benchmark Reports on Data Portal coming soon
- Annual updates to the Recovery and Usage Maps on Data Portal coming soon
- Preview available for OPOs: New kidney and pancreas distribution match lists
- COVID-19 organ failure in candidate listings in UNet coming soon
- Annual updates to the Transplant Center Benchmark Reports in UNet data services portal now available
- Annual updates to the Recovery and Usage Maps in UNet data services portal now available
- “Rule change could endanger our organ transplant system”
- “Organ donation is under threat”
- Nomination deadline approaching for Heckenkemper Award for Excellence
- UNOS launches new online membership application tool to transplant programs
- “Honor organ donors by saving procurement organizations”
- Provide your feedback on educational offerings in UNOS Connect
- Dec. 15 implementation date set for changes to kidney, pancreas allocation
- Using registries to improve outcomes and transplant management
- COVID-19 update: Oct. 23, 2020
- COVID-19 organ failure diagnosis codes for heart and lung candidate listings in UNet now available
- Addition of “Other allele” for DPB1 HLA in DonorNet, TIEDI, and KPD
- UNOS to launch OPTN collaborative improvement project to increase recovery of DCD organs
- Innovating to strengthen the organ transplant system
- “Transplant system that saved my life is under threat”
- Modifications made to policy requirements for blood type determination and reporting
- Mark Joyce
- COVID-19 update: Nov. 6, 2020
- Transplant patient webinar addresses upcoming changes to kidney and pancreas distribution
- LifeShare of Oklahoma increases DCD donor recovery during COVID-19
- Enhancements to the UNet data services portal are now live
- Pre-implementation notice: Phase I of new kidney medical urgency requirements to implement Dec. 1
- Pre-implementation notice: Removal of DSA and region from kidney and pancreas allocation to go into effect Dec. 15
- UNOS associate data scientist Carlos Martinez uses machine learning to interpret kidney allocation rates
- Coming to Waitlist℠: Changes to local acceptance criteria for all organs
- Coming to DonorNet® Dec. 15: Changes to notification limits for intestine, pancreas, kidney-pancreas and kidney matches
- How the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spark collaboration in the transplant community
- COVID-19 update: Nov. 19, 2020
- UNOS launching OPTN demonstration project involving effective potential deceased donor referral practices
- Five years of HOPE Act; observations from Sander Florman, M.D.
- Results from the OPTN regional review questionnaire now available
- Attention UNet users: Important system updates ahead of upcoming implementations
- John Thoden Jr.
- Pediatric transplant hospital bylaws to be in effect Dec. 8
- Kidney and pancreas transplant patient webinar recording now available
- Implementation notice: Phase I of new kidney medical urgency requirements
- Donor mother honors her son
- Implementation notice: Waitlist℠ programming updates to local acceptance criteria for heart, lung, heart-lung, liver and intestine
- COVID-19 update: Dec. 3, 2020
- Updated labels and viral detection results will align with new OPTN policy and U.S. Public Health Service guidelines
- Leo Asad Woodruff
- Nominees chosen for 2021 Board of Directors election
- Liver lab API now available for retrieval and submission of liver lab data in Waitlist
- COVID-19 update: Dec. 11, 2020
- 2020: A year of continuous UNet℠ enhancements
- Kidney and pancreas allocation changes postponed
- Waitlist℠ updates for local acceptance criteria for kidney and pancreas postponed
- DonorNet® updates for notification limits for kidney, kidney-pancreas/pancreas and intestine matches are being postponed
- Implementation notice: Pediatric transplant hospital bylaws now in effect
- OPTN Board approves pediatric transplant program components, strategic planning, operational actions
- HOPE Act impact continues at five-year milestone
- Saving lives together: Happy Holidays from the UNOS Organ Center
- Medicare coverage of immunosuppression for kidney recipients to be extended
- In Memoriam: Robert Veatch, Ph.D.
- LifeChoice Donor Services and New England Organ Bank to merge Jan. 1
- Kyle Sagedahl
- Stephen Hasbrouck
- Jeffrey Lamar Childers
- Daniel Hurst
- Upcoming requirements for COVID-19 testing data collection in DonorNet®
- COVID-19 update: Jan. 7, 2021
- Voting opens Jan. 13, 2021, for Board election/Annual meeting of members
- Annual record trend continues for deceased organ donation, deceased donor transplants
- UNOS launches new online membership forms to all labs and OPOs
- New speaker series explores latest advances in transplant
- Improving DonorNet Mobile together
- New OPTN policies to align with updated U.S. Public Health Service Guideline
- UNOS Ambassador and 2020 heart recipient expresses gratitude following transplant
- COVID-19 update: Jan. 21, 2021
- Public comment open from Jan. 21 through Mar. 23 2021
- New standards ensure pediatric candidates receive the best care possible
- TMF 2021 keynote speaker Jason Schechterle details his triumph over tragedy and what inspires him to fight against unimaginable adversity
- Register now to attend Innovations at UNOS webinar
- New requirements for COVID-19 testing data collection in DonorNet®
- UNOS RFI documents for 2021 are available on the UNet Transplant Administrators website
- UNet Image Sharing DICOM image study export capability now available
- Modifying data submissions: A Q&A with Kristine Browning and Heather Hickland
- New board members elected in 2021
- UNOS to study data collection related to social determinants of health
- New heart adult Status 2 and pediatric exception requests guidance now available
- Updated National Liver Review Board guidance in effect
- UNOS 2020 staffing survey now available for transplant administrators
- COVID-19 update: Feb. 11, 2021
- Surgical assistant Jacob Mansy on collaborating to optimize the DonorNet website
- Implementation of kidney and pancreas policies
- Data submission policy tools and educational offering updated to include TRF and LDF forms as of Feb. 15
- Modifications to adult heart and heart-lung justification forms will be implemented March 4
- TMF 2021 presenter Robert Howey explains the complexities and essential components for transplant programs dealing with Medicare reimbursement
- Feb. 24 webinar addresses new policies aligning with PHS guideline
- Summary of evidence report details experience with COVID-19
- Policies to align with PHS guideline: Webinar and additional resources
- “I pledged to my donor family I would carry his heart with honor”: UNOS Ambassador Roxanne Watson on fulfilling a promise.
- Expedited Liver Placement: Phase 1 implementation underway
- Trailblazing physician broke barriers to become nation’s first Black female transplant surgeon
- About 2021 Transplant Management Forum gold level sponsors
- COVID-19 update: Feb. 25, 2021
- Expedited Liver Placement policy implementation begins March 25, 2021
- Preview available for OPOs: Expedited Liver Placement tools
- Policies implemented to align with PHS guideline
- March 15 policy implementation: Removal of DSA from kidney and pancreas allocation
- TMF 2021 presenter Ian Jamieson speaks on the importance of transplant center strategic planning
- COVID-19 “amnesty” status will end for all follow-up forms due on or after April 1; Retrospective forms due July 1
- Coming to DonorNet® March 15: Changes to notification limits for intestine, pancreas/kidney-pancreas and kidney matches
- Coming to Waitlist℠ March 15: Changes to local acceptance criteria for kidney, pancreas, kidney-pancreas and pancreas islet offers
- Organ type added to transplant program STAR files, available April 5
- Upcoming DonorNet® enhancement—Monitor packaged organs
- Changes to adult heart and heart-lung justification forms effective March 4
- Transplant program TIEDI® data submission overview visualization updated
- AST Innovation Award presented to DTAC
- Resource lists lower respiratory tract testing available
- Upcoming DonorNet Mobile national rollout for transplant hospitals
- For all transplant programs: Information about the UNOS Organ Tracking Beta Test
- AST, ASTS & UNOS encourage collaboration to drive improvement
- Updated Median MELD at Transplant scores take effect March 31
- Notice of implementation: Removal of DSA and region from kidney and pancreas allocation
- New kidney and pancreas transplant allocation policies in effect
- Changes to DonorNet® notification limits for intestine, pancreas, kidney-pancreas and kidney matches now in effect
- Changes to Waitlist℠ local acceptance criteria for kidney, pancreas, kidney-pancreas and pancreas islet offers now in effect
- Shannon N. Baribeau
- SRTR announces monitoring changes for July 2021 reports in response to COVID-19
- EY selected to analyze the existing OPTN regional structure
- TMF 2021 keynote speaker Amy Hunter on healthcare disparities in African-American communities, effect on organ donation and transplantation
- COVID-19 update: Mar. 18, 2021
- Kidney committee leadership discusses increasing geographic equity in access to kidney transplant
- New expedited liver policy in effect
- Notice of Implementation: Expedited Liver Placement policy
- Workgroup to examine use of race-based adjustment to kidney calculation
- UNOS in the news: Editorial boards weigh in on OPO final rule, urge collaboration
- Review of SRTR spring PSR reports begins April 1
- Changes to Data Services Portal files: Updates to file descriptions
- For all transplant programs: 10 new OPOs added to UNOS Organ Tracking Beta Test
- Patient status confirmation link available in UNet℠ beginning April 5
- Effective April:1 Data amnesty status for follow-up forms ends
- Oscar Serrano, M.D., on reducing disparities in access to transplant
- In Memoriam: Vicki Crosier
- COVID-19 update: April 1, 2021
- Organ type now included in center STAR files
- Mitchell Louis Scott
- New DonorNet Mobile now available for transplant hospitals nationwide
- UNet security administration training open April 12 and UNet user audit open April 21
- White House issues National Donate Life Month proclamation
- New expedited liver placement policy prevents discards
- Updated 12-month monitoring report available for liver, intestine policy
- 26 OPOs join new UNOS-led collaborative to increase DCD donor recoveries
- Transplant administrators: Submit your 2020 staffing data now and receive the new benchmark report staffing survey supplement
- Voluntary recall addresses Vecuronium Bromide
- COVID-19 update: April 15, 2021
- Lower respiratory testing requirement for all lung donors to be considered
- Organ offer messaging enhancement for Expedited Liver Placement now available
- Special public comment is now open for proposal to refine lung data fields for the Lung Allocation Score
- MPSC at work on transplant program performance monitoring project
- U.S. leads world in rates of deceased donors, key transplant categories
- Heather Ripley
- Messaging enhancement for Expedited Liver Placement now available
- Jayden Johnivan Snyder
- COVID-19 update: May 7, 2021
- Updated 12-month monitoring report available for National Liver Review Board
- Committee established to advance multi-organ policy development
- National Heart Review Board for Pediatrics launches June 15
- UNOS launches national organ tracking service for OPOs and transplant centers
- Annual kidney allocation calculator updates
- Coming June 17: HLA equivalency table update and addition of DPB1 epitopes
- COVID-19 update: May 20, 2021
- Implementation date for modified data submission requirements, including data lock, postponed until 2022
- National MPSC webinar to address proposed changes to transplant program metrics
- Weekly deceased donor total exceeds 300 for first time
- SRTR announces monitoring changes for January 2022 reporting cycle in response to COVID-19
- Lower respiratory testing of all potential lung donors for SARS-CoV-2 now required
- 2022-2023 Call for Nominations for OPTN Board of Directors and Committees
- Policies implemented to align with PHS guideline: Living Donor Specimen Storage, Informed Consent
- COVID-19 update: June 3, 2021
- Now available: Recording of June 2 national webinar addressing proposed changes to transplant program metrics
- OPOs and transplant hospitals can now track organs in transit
- Transplant administrators: 2020 staffing survey still open, results will be available in fall of 2021
- 2021 National Donor Memorial Award for Excellence winner announced
- National Heart Review Board for Pediatrics is now live
- HLA equivalency table updates and addition of DPB1 epitopes now in effect
- COVID-19 update: June 17, 2021
- UNOS named top workplace for 8th consecutive year by Richmond Times-Dispatch
- UNOS researchers present studies at 2021 American Transplant Congress
- Accelerating the match run: UNOS partners with Nutanix
- Ethics Committee white paper addresses living donor transplants in light of COVID-19 pandemic
- Monitoring report of early kidney data shows increase in transplants
- Heparin field changes in DonorNet® now live
- Metrics measuring the success of the OPTN
- CARE tool visualizes organ acceptance and refusal
- Fernando Vega
- Analysis of DCD heart donation on organ yield
- UNOS and transplant professionals collaborate on enhancements to UNet during TMF 2021
- What's the best way to measure transplant program performance?
- COVID-19 action regarding non-dialysis kidney candidate listing to sunset Sept. 1
- OPTN Board approves VCA transplant programs, liver allocation refinements, and strategic plan
- COVID-19 update: July 1, 2021
- Monitoring report available for pancreas allocation
- Infectious disease testing resource documents for deceased and living donors now available
- National Liver Review Board guidance documents updated
- COVID-19 update: July 15, 2021
- Partnering with experts in fields outside of donation and transplant
- Building a new, more flexible system for organ allocation
- UNet℠ API now available for Waitlist℠ organ acceptance data
- National webinar on Aug. 4 to address proposed changes to transplant program metrics
- Analyzing the impact of transplant policy and system modifications in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- COVID-19 update: July 29, 2021
- Transplant equity efforts presented to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
- Why I volunteer: Kidney recipient Precious McCowan
- Public comment open from Aug. 3 through Sept. 30, 2021
- Working collaboratively to enhance system performance and improve transplant program monitoring metrics
- U.S. on pace to top 40,000 transplants in a single year for first time
- Monitoring report available for lower respiratory testing of lung donors
- Community update: Policy development based on continuous distribution
- Analysis of allocation changes for en bloc deceased donor kidneys
- COVID-19 update: Aug. 13, 2021
- UNet will begin support for Microsoft Edge browser, ending support for Internet Explorer
- AST COVID-19 guidance documents updated
- National webinar held on Aug. 9 to review the continuous distribution of lungs proposal
- Voluntary recall addresses Alprostadil
- UNOS remembers Lisa Schaffner
- COVID-19 update: Aug. 27, 2021
- Minority Affairs and Kidney Transplantation committees request patient feedback on use of race in eGFR
- UNet now supports Microsoft Edge browser
- UNet applications will add multi-factor authentication (MFA) in early 2022: what you should know
- COVID-19 update: Sept. 2, 2021
- COVID-19 update: Sept. 9, 2021
- Updated Cohort for Calculation of the Lung Allocation Score (LAS) will be implemented on September 30
- Register now to attend Innovations at UNOS webinar
- 2020 Staffing Survey results now available, survey to remain open through December
- Updated 15–month monitoring report available for liver, intestine policy
- Updated Median MELD at Transplant scores take effect September 29
- UNOS names new Organ Center and Policy and Community Relations directors
- DonorNet Donor Disposition Reason Code updates coming soon
- Patient status confirmation link available in UNet℠ beginning Oct. 4, 2021
- “Our cosmic goal”: Enhancing transplant metrics and increasing transplant
- The ethical implications of continuing living donor transplants during COVID-19
- Transplant equity work never ends: Jerry McCauley, M.D.
- COVID-19 update: Sept. 24, 2021
- Congressional briefing highlights transplant success, improvement
- DonorNet Donor Disposition Reason Codes updated
- Changes to the Updated Cohort for Calculation of the Lung Allocation Score (LAS) are now in effect
- Internet Explorer no longer supported as of Sept. 30, 2021
- Get started now: Download the Authy app in preparation for an important UNet enhancement coming in early 2022
- Changes to custom reports based on changes to the Updated Cohort for Calculation of the Lung Allocation Score (LAS) are now in effect
- Updated NLRB exception requirements effective Oct. 7
- Second phase of national DCD procurement collaborative project ready to launch
- COVID-19 update: Oct. 7, 2021
- Updated monitoring report of kidney data shows increase in transplants, new policies having anticipated impact
- New version of the Offer Filters Explorer tool for kidney transplant programs now available
- Changes made to liver Status 1A and 1B justification forms
- Kidney transplants increase across all populations following policy changes
- UNOS recognized for lifesaving innovations at rvatech awards gala
- COVID-19 update: Oct. 22, 2021
- COVID-19 update: Nov. 4, 2021
- Zachary James Flyte
- Michael Joseph Hopper
- UNet will prohibit access from Internet Explorer starting Dec. 2
- National organ tracking service continues growth
- Grant-funded initiatives improve organ transportation and logistics
- Daniel L. Walker
- UNOS will launch the national rollout of Offer Filters for kidney on Jan. 27
- COVID-19 update: Nov. 18, 2021
- Animated videos describe lung allocation score, kidney allocation formulas
- Updated list of organ refusal reasons will go into effect on Dec. 2
- Updated list of organ refusal reasons are now in effect
- UNet now prohibits access from Internet Explorer
- COVID-19 update: Dec. 2, 2021
- Transplant innovations for today and tomorrow: David Klassen, M.D.
- UNet℠ API now available for submission and retrieval of Waitlist℠ lung registration information
- New Waitlist Lung Allocation Score report and enhancement export feature now available
- Get started now: Download the Authy app in preparation for an important UNet enhancement
- UNOS will launch the national rollout of Offer Filters for kidney on Jan. 27
- Kathleen Thornton
- Robert Lee Chantrenne
- New lung allocation policy approved
- OPTN Board adopts new transplant program performance metrics
- Anthony Jeffery III
- COVID-19 update: Dec. 16, 2021
- Record 40,000 transplants honors legacy of donors
- Potential supply issues affecting organ preservation solution
- Nominees chosen for 2022 Board of Directors election
- UNet password and login page updates
- Brianna Titterington
- Kamonie Love
- Jammie Dee Allen
- Kylie Grace
- Jamie Garcia-Marrow
- Education available for the national rollout of Offer Filters for kidney
- COVID-19 update: Jan. 6, 2022
- What is EPTS? A new animation for patients explains the estimated post-transplant survival score
- COVID-19 update: Jan. 11, 2022
- Candidate data reporting policy action reinstated due to COVID-19 impact
- Updated monitoring report of liver data shows increase in transplants, new policies having anticipated impact
- All-time records again set in 2021 for organ transplants, organ donation from deceased donors
- Pre-implementation notice: Clarification of multi-organ allocation policy
- For kidney programs: granting access to Offer Filters
- What is KDPI? A new animation for patients explains the kidney donor profile index
- What is LAS? A new animation for patients explains the lung allocation score
- Six-month monitoring report now available for expedited liver policy
- UNOS launching new member focused improvement initiative in 2022
- 30 OPOs participating in national project to increase procurement of DCD donors
- COVID-19 update: Jan. 21, 2022
- Updates to National Liver Review Board guidance and policy in effect
- Delayed Implementation: Mandatory TransNet updates for iOS and Android applications
- Candidate unacceptable antigens now available in DonorNet Mobile
- Match Run List – Offer Details Navigational Button Changes
- National rollout of Offer Filters for kidney now available
- Public comment open from Jan. 27 through March 23, 2022
- New board members elected 2022
- 9th year of record-setting liver transplants
- Mandatory TransNet updates for iOS and Android applications
- Now available: Mandatory TransNet Updates for iOS and Android applications
- COVID-19 update: Feb. 3, 2022
- Two new data elements added to transplant program Center STAR files, available March 7
- For patients: Feb. 18 webinar on continuous distribution of kidneys and pancreata
- Implementation notice: Clarification of multi-organ allocation policy, changes in DonorNet
- How Offer Filters will help more kidney patients, faster
- Time zone label updates coming to DonorNet
- Community feedback needed on development of policy for continuous distribution of kidneys and pancreata
- Heart transplant sets all-time record in 2021
- National webinar addresses proposed modifications to graft failure definition for VCA
- COVID-19 update: Feb. 17, 2022
- Samuel Wallman
- Patient and community feedback requested on the use of race in eGFR
- End of TransNet support for Android devices in 2023
- Multi-factor authentication (MFA) will open for UNet on March 7
- 2021 UNOS staffing survey now open
- Two new transplant performance metrics to implement July 14, 2022
- COVID-19 update: March 4, 2022
- Two new data elements added to Center STAR files
- Multi-factor authentication (MFA) for UNet is now open and will become mandatory on April 6 for all UNet users
- TMF 2022 presenter Olivia Kates, M.D., on the theory and practice of vaccine mandates
- Kidney transplants set new record in 2021 following policy change
- Education available: Time zone label updates coming to DonorNet
- Measuring success: data highlights from the first cohort of the DCD procurement collaborative
- Updated 18-month monitoring report available for National Liver Review Board
- COVID-19 update: March 18, 2022
- The liver allocation policy is a success we need to share: Terry Box, M.D., liver recipient
- Patient status confirmation link available in UNet℠ beginning April 4, 2022
- Lawsuit challenging kidney allocation policy is dismissed
- Candidate data reporting due to COVID-19 impact will expire April 11
- Collaborative improvement project helped OPOs increase DCD transplant in 2021
- OUT tool now allows OPOs to see movement of organs across the country
- COVID-19 update: April 1, 2022
- Updated two-year monitoring report available for dual and en bloc kidney allocation
- HRSA releases Request for Information for market research to support the next OPTN contract
- In Memoriam: Pono Shim
- COVID-19 update: April 15, 2022
- Median MELD at Transplant scores updated effective March 30
- 10 things UNOS is doing to get the right organ to the right patient at the right time
- Time zone label updates added to DonorNet
- Community results of winter 2022 kidney and pancreas prioritization exercises now available
- Billy Martin Testerman
- OPTN death verification process improvements will yield updated numbers beginning in April 2022
- COVID-19 update: April 29, 2022
- Updates to modify data submission policy coming Aug. 30
- New and changed data collection on TIEDI: annual update to OMB approved forms
- Heart simulation modeling supported by gift from Grammenos A. Adamantiades Memorial Fund
- COVID-19 update: May 12, 2022
- Annual kidney allocation calculator updates to KDPI and EPTS reference populations
- COVID-19 update: May 26, 2022
- Interactive visualizations now available as part of policy development for kidney and pancreas allocation
- Now open: 2022 UNOS member survey
- Matthew McIntyre
- COVID-19 update: June 9, 2022
- A message from Matt Cooper, M.D.: 2022 UNOS Member Survey
- UNOS researchers present studies at 2022 American Transplant Congress
- OPTN Board of Directors expected to require transplant hospitals to use race-neutral calculations in assessing patients
- Pre-implementation notice: Two new transplant performance metrics to implement July 14
- Kaidence Contreras
- Building a team, serving a community: Pride at NEDS
- June 14 webinar addresses median MELD at transplant based on donor hospital
- COVID-19 update: June 23, 2022
- New OPO System and Process Measures Dashboard now available
- One-year monitoring report available for pancreas allocation policies
- Median MELD at transplant now based around donor hospital
- Pre-implementation notice: Updates to living donor exclusion criteria
- A lasting legacy: Lisa Schaffner honored posthumously with newly renamed award
- UNOS CEO Brian Shepard to leave organization after a decade of service
- OPTN Board approves elimination of race-based calculation for transplant candidate listing
- Pre-implementation notice: Requirement for race-neutral eGFR formulas
- OPTN Board approves improvements to medical urgency scoring of liver transplant candidates
- Capital Pride: WRTC on being meaningful community advocates all year round
- 2021 Staffing Survey results now available
- New identity verification process when calling UNOS
- Implementation notice: Pre-transplant HIV, HBV and HCV testing requirement updated for candidates younger than age 12
- One-year monitoring report shows increases in kidney transplants for Black, Hispanic, Asian and pediatric patients following policy changes
- COVID-19 update: July 8, 2022
- Emergency action: New exception pathway for heart device recalls
- Aundrea Carissa Haas
- New exception pathway available for heart device recalls
- Implementation notice: Two new transplant performance metrics now in effect
- Playlists added to UNOS Connect
- Four decades of lifesaving work: the Organ Center turns 40
- Kidney monitoring data shows 16% increase in transplant
- Two new transplant performance metrics now in effect, are first phase of enhanced monitoring system
- Waitlist enhancements and new kidney features coming
- Education now available: Updates to living donor exclusion criteria
- COVID-19 update: July 21, 2022
- Two-year monitoring report summarizes National Liver Review Board activity
- Updates to living donor exclusion criteria now in effect
- Implementation notice: Requirement for race-neutral eGFR formulas in effect
- Updated National Liver Review Board guidance now in effect
- Policy change impacting KPD eligibility coming Aug. 30
- Updates to data submission policy coming Aug. 30
- Missy
- New identity verification process when calling UNOS Customer Service & Organ Center
- New and changed data collection on TIEDI coming Aug. 30
- Public comment open from Aug. 3 through Sept. 28, 2022
- Changes to HLA and unacceptable antigen options coming Aug. 30
- Monkeypox and solid organ donation
- Two-year monitoring report for liver, intestine policy shows success in key aspects
- Pre-implementation notice: Minimum kidney donor criteria established for biopsies
- UNet user audit begins Aug. 15
- UNet user audit now open
- Over 5,000 organs tracked with UNOS Organ Tracking Service
- MFA coming for TransNet mobile iOS users
- Overcoming the financial obstacles to living donation
- COVID-19 update: Aug. 19, 2022
- Paul Flanders
- Waitlist enhancements and new kidney features coming Sept. 27
- In Memoriam: Jim Gleason
- Action required: KPD eligibility impacted by new HLA options
- Changes to HLA and unacceptable antigen options in effect
- Updates to data submission policy in effect
- New and changed data collection on TIEDI in effect
- Now in effect: New identity verification process when calling UNOS Customer Service & Organ Center
- UNOS Board of Directors statement on the national examination of the organ donation and transplant system
- Implementation notice: Minimum kidney donor criteria established for biopsies
- COVID-19 update: Sept. 8, 2022
- U.S. reaches historic milestone of 1 million transplants
- Patient Status Confirmation link available in UNet℠ beginning Oct. 3, closes Oct. 24
- Travis Scott Robinson
- Two new enhancements coming to DonorNet
- MFA coming for TransNet mobile for Android
- Two new enhancements added to DonorNet
- MFA for TransNet mobile iOS users now available
- Updated MMaT scores in effect Sept. 28
- Oct. 13 webinar to address lung continuous distribution policy implementation
- Updates coming to adult heart status justification and extension forms
- Now in effect: Waitlist enhancements and new kidney features
- Patient information on disaster relief and assistance
- Timothy (TJ) Rice Jr.
- Malaikye Payne
- United Network for Organ Sharing names new Interim CEO
- Monkeypox summary of evidence report available
- New lung data collection fields coming to support lung continuous distribution
- COVID-19 update: Oct. 6, 2022
- Updated median MELD at transplant scores in effect; revisions made to MMaT and MPaT scores
- Now in effect: MFA TransNet mobile for Android
- Predictive analytics project to launch education in December 2022, is intended to increase organ utilization
- Chase Montgomery Witt
- Peggy Long
- Nashville’s Ascension Saint Thomas Hospital West’s focus on quality improvement
- Offer Filters Explorer tool updated
- Now in effect: Updated adult heart status justification and extension forms
- Pre-implementation notice: CPRA calculation change
- Skyler Blandford
- Three-year monitoring report available for changes to adult heart allocation
- Now in effect: New lung data collection fields to support lung continuous distribution
- Adrian Joseph Jimenez
- UNOS seeks new CEO to be voice for diverse needs of organ donation and transplant community
- TransNet Android update available
- Giving and the Gift of Life: Lindsey C. Jennings, Manager, Philanthropy
- FAQ for patients: CPRA calculation change
- 7 years of HOPE
- Zoey T. Paymon
- Monkeypox educational document available for transplant candidates
- UNOS CEO calls for expanded improvements in the organ donation and transplant field
- New Medicare benefit available for kidney recipients
- UNOS seeks better air transportation for lifesaving organs
- COVID-19 update: Dec. 9, 2022
- Honoring my organ donors
- 7,000 organs tracked with UNOS Organ Tracking Service
- Exception pathway for heart device recalls approved by OPTN Board of Directors
- Simulated modeling results now available for continuous distribution of kidney and pancreas
- UNOS using a collaborative improvement model to increase DCD lung transplantation
- Nominees chosen for 2023 Board of Directors election
- Update: CPRA calculation
- Coming soon: Predictive analytics for adult kidney offers
- Two-year monitoring report available for the elimination of the use of DSAs in heart allocation
- Lung Composite Allocation Score (CAS) calculator coming February 2023
- Three-month monitoring report for heart policy following a device recall now available
- VCA coming to UNet Spring 2023
- Transplant patient webinar addresses upcoming changes to lung distribution
- Infinite Legacy established after OPO merger
- UNOS leadership requests USDS engagement concerning leaked report and impact on patients
- OPTN Board approved measures to support new lung allocation policy
- Waiting time adjustment approved for kidney transplant candidates affected by race-based calculation
- Change addressing disparity for black kidney patients takes effect
- Implementation notice: Waiting time modifications for candidates affected by race-inclusive eGFR calculations
- Updated National Liver Review Board guidance in effect Jan. 5, 2023
- Pre-implementation notice: KPD policy updates
- UNOS advances plan to restructure transplant network governance to best serve patients
- 2022 organ transplants again set annual records
- U.S. set lifesaving organ donation and transplant records in 2022
- UNOS launches first national liver paired donation pilot program
- National collaborative focusing on organ offer acceptance to launch at the end of January 2023
- Available now: Predictive analytics for adult kidney offers
- Voting opens Jan. 18 for Board election/Annual meeting of members
- Predictive analytics tool now available to all kidney programs
- Public comment now open through March 15
- Jason Sinnavong
- UNet user audit begins January 31st
- Match Summary view now available in DonorNet desktop
- An important message from the MPSC on donation after circulatory death (DCD) protocols and managing multiple organs
- Implementation notice: CPRA calculation change
- Over 30 kidney donors and advocates to celebrate World Kidney Day from the top of Mount Kilimanjaro
- Gideon James Porter
- Submit exception requests for the lung CAS transition starting Feb. 9
- UNet user audit now open
- Implementation notice: KPD policy updates
- More than 15,000 liver transplants performed in first two years of acuity circles policy
- Lung Composite Allocation Score (CAS) calculator available on OPTN website
- Pre-implementation notice: Changes coming to donor acceptance criteria
- New board members elected 2023
- Coming soon: Implementation of continuous distribution of lungs
- Additional transplant patient webinar addresses upcoming changes to lung distribution
- Another record year for heart transplants: Steep increases seen in DCD transplants in 2022
- Community feedback needed on continuous distribution of liver and intestinal organs
- When minutes matter: The issues at stake in organ transportation
- One-year monitoring report for the Pediatric National Heart Review Board now available
- Nation’s transplant system acts to maximize organ use
- New animation for patients explains the lung Composite Allocation Score (CAS)
- What are the barriers to wider use of organ perfusion?
- Jordan Michael Cummins
- TMF 2023 presenter Jesse Schold, Ph.D., on reducing health care disparities in the organ transplant system
- OPO partners with Black history museum to increase organ donor registrations
- National webinar for kidney transplant professionals provides education on OPTN policy action on eGFR waiting time modifications
- Voluntary recall of Becton, Dickinson CD5 Series of Genesis sterilization containers
- White paper addresses ethical issues in information to support transplant program selection
- Kade Dylan Contreras
- Implementation notice: Changes to thoracic donor acceptance criteria
- Implementation notice: Continuous distribution of lungs
- New lung allocation policy in effect
- Patient Status Confirmation link available in UNet℠ beginning April 3, closes April 24
- New policy to allocate donor lungs takes effect
- UNOS statement on kidney continuous distribution policy in development
- Pediatric Status 1A and 1B heart and heart-lung candidates may have expanded access to intended incompatible blood type offers
- UNOS welcomes competitive bidding process for next OPTN contract
- New milestone reached in kidney donation and transplant
- Nominations open for the Lisa Schaffner Community Advocate Award
- OPTN data collection changes coming Sept. 14
- Dissecting the grief cycle: TMF 2023 presenter Nona Dawson-Land on coping with trauma in the workplace
- VCA coming to UNet Sept 14, 2023
- 2022 UNOS staffing survey now open
- Daniel Kristopher Glover
- Additional data on long-term outcomes incorporated into OPTN living donor data
- Updated median MELD at transplant scores in effect March 30; MPaT score lowered to 33
- Shawna Robinson
- Gary Mensinger
- Site security administrator search feature now live
- Community update: Policy development based on continuous distribution
- Coming soon: New OPTN transport label store
- UNOS appoints new CEO
- Maureen McBride named CEO of UNOS
- New store for OPTN transport labels
- TMF 2023 presenter Robert Montgomery, M.D., D.Phil., on increasing organ supply with xenotransplantation
- UNOS statement on the 2023 OPO Public Performance Report by CMS
- Updated National Liver Review Board HCC guidance in effect April 28, 2023
- Reminder: Patient status options for TRF forms
- Important information about attachments in DonorNet
- UNOS supports the Living Donor Protection Act
- TMF 2023 Heckenkemper Award winner: Marian O'Rourke, RN, CCTC honored
- Coming Soon: New image study viewer in DonorNet
- Predicting the future to help patients today
- Annual kidney allocation calculator updates
- New image study viewer available in DonorNet
- In Memoriam: Julie Ice
- 5 things to know: Volunteering for the board or a committee
- UNet user audit begins June 12
- 2024-2025 Call for Nominations for OPTN Board of Directors and Committees
- Webinars to address improvements to MELD, PELD, Status 1A/1B
- UNet user audit now open
- Safety net policies for kidney-after-heart and kidney-after-lung allocation in effect June 29
- New data fields available June 29 to prepare for simultaneous heart-kidney and lung-kidney allocation
- Augmented reality app aims to produce better images of donor organs
- UNOS names 2023 Lisa Schaffner Community Advocate Award recipient
- Pre-implementation notice: New transplant performance metric to go into effect July 27
- Improvements to MELD, PELD, Status 1A and Status 1B to take effect July 13
- New UNOS board officers begin service July 1
- Changes to security personnel requirements and reporting
- TransNet no longer supported on Android devices
- OPTN Board approves measures to improve kidney offer acceptance process
- Six-month monitoring report for heart policy following a device recall now available
- Two-year monitoring report continues to show improvements in equity in access to kidney transplants for several key populations
- An important message from the MPSC on reducing risk and ensuring patient safety
- Four-year monitoring report for adult heart allocation now available
- Lonnie P. Bianchi
- Dan Glowatski
- Briana Brooks
- Kristi Hadfield
- Improvements to MELD and PELD now in effect
- Updated liver allocation policy regarding HCC criteria in effect
- Webinar to address kidney-after-thoracic safety net, combined kidney-thoracic allocation
- New policy aims to speed kidney acceptance rates, increase transplants
- New candidate inactivation code available for multi-organ transplant candidates
- UNOS embraces reform of the U.S. donation and transplant system
- UNOS applauds house action to improve air transport of donor organs
- U.S. House of Representatives calls on FAA to improve air transport of donor organs
- Public Comment open from July 27 through Sept. 19, 2023
- Updated National Liver Review Board guidance in effect for multivisceral candidates
- Match result data archiving now in effect
- In Memoriam – Isabel Stenzel Byrnes
- New kidney biopsy fields coming to DonorNet and TIEDI
- Now in effect: Changes to security personnel requirements and reporting
- Coming soon: Reporting primary graft dysfunction in heart
- UNOS plan reimagines governance of U.S. transplant system to best serve patients
- UNOS plan reimagines governance of U.S. transplant system to best serve patients
- Pre-implementation notice: VCA coming to UNet Sept 14, 2023
- UNOS researchers present studies at 2023 American Transplant Congress
- VCA into UNet: education available
- Patient info on disaster relief and assistance
- UNOS research: Insights from the American Transplant Congress
- Coming soon: Simultaneous heart-kidney and lung-kidney allocation changes
- Coming soon: changes to liver-kidney nautical mile threshold
- Member actions required: data collection and VCA implementation
- Kamil Berlingeri
- Andrea Swisher
- Anthony Franceschini Jr.
- Letisha Willis
- Research in focus: examining organ offers
- Important note on upcoming VCA data collection
- New kidney biopsy fields added to DonorNet and TIEDI
- VCA allocation is now in UNet
- New elements added for reporting primary graft dysfunction in heart
- UNet is online: VCA and data collection projects released
- Matthew Berbon-Owle
- Patient Status Confirmation link available in UNet℠ beginning Oct. 2, closes Oct. 23
- New pre-transplant performance metric now in effect, offer acceptance rate ratio
- Learning Congress planned for OPTN DCD Lung Transplant Collaborative
- UNOS commissions independent assessment of IT systems
- Updates to medical urgency scoring of liver transplant candidates in effect
- Why I volunteer: Valinda Jones, M.S.N., RN, kidney recipient
- President signs new law increasing competition for OPTN contract
- Impella 5.5 devices can now be reported in Waitlist and TIEDI
- Pre-implementation notice: Lung policy modification for blood type
- Updated median MELD at transplant scores in effect Sept. 27
- Implementation notice: Lung policy modification for blood type
- FAQ: New multi-organ polices in effect
- Now in effect: Changes to liver-kidney nautical mile threshold
- Now in effect: Simultaneous heart-kidney and lung-kidney allocation changes
- Patient information letter updated, now available in additional languages
- Celebrating the Greatest Gift this holiday season
- Two-year monitoring report available for pancreas allocation policies
- Early lung monitoring report shows increase in transplants following implementation of lung continuous distribution
- Embracing new ideas to increase DCD donation
- Second round of simulated modeling results for continuous distribution of kidney and pancreas now available
- Animated videos describe MELD, PELD formulas
- National webinar on Nov.15 for lung transplant professionals on upcoming data collection changes and other insights in lung allocation
- Randi Natasha Shaw
- Jodi
- Ian Sanchez
- Joseph P Sarvino Sr.
- Three new VCA programs to replace GU program
- Pre-implementation notice: Data collection changes for lung and heart-lung candidates coming
- Honoring the gift of life: Ceremony marks the National Donor Memorial 20th anniversary
- Lung transplant rates continue to increase six months post implementation of new lung policy
- Black kidney candidates are receiving waiting time modifications, helping them get the organs they need
- Three new VCA programs replace GU program
- UNOS statement following December UNOS Board vote
- Pre-implementation notice: Required reporting of patient safety events coming
- New enhancements added to DonorNet and Waitlist resulting from NATCO collaboration
- Site surveys to be conducted virtually beginning January 2024
- FAQs: Submitting supplemental oxygen values for lung candidates
- Implementation notice: Data collection changes for lung and heart-lung candidates in effect
- Kyle Richard Stevens
- Living donor: Antony Kovalov
- From a grateful recipient
- Sean Anthony Meeks
- UNOS statement on testing environment situation
- Deceased kidney donors recovered increase six-months post-implementation minimum donor criteria for kidney biopsies
- Special comment period for Expedited Placement Variance
- Letter to lung transplant community: Working together to increase efficiency
- Tricia Jean Lanthier
- Kevin Abraham
- Joshua Mark Vinson
- Implementation notice: Required reporting of certain patient safety events now in effect
- Coming soon: Offer Filters for lung allocation
- OPTN Board approves improvements to reporting of potential patient safety events
- Tristen Wayne Hewitt
- UNOS hires new Vice President of External Affairs
- 2023: a year of more lives saved
- Innovations and policy updates drive equity and a record number of lifesaving organ transplants in 2023
- Coming soon: Contact management enhancements
- Two guidance documents updated
- Public Comment open from Jan. 23 through March 19, 2024
- UNOS strengthens leadership team
- OPTN Task Force sets goal of achieving 60K transplants by 2026
- New task force sets bold goal of achieving 60K transplants by 2026
- Offer Filters now available for lung allocation
- Latest in reporting positive post procurement donor results
- Pre-implementation notice: New pre-transplant performance metric
- My living donor: Pamela Diane Royster
- UNOS statement on draft OPTN request for proposals
- Now available: Predictive analytics in desktop DonorNet
- Mandatory training and UNet user audit opens Feb. 28, 2024
- A decade of record increases in liver transplant
- Extra Vessels included in TIEDI® for VCA
- Mariah Salazar
- UNOS statement regarding Medicare billing guidance for organ transplant monitoring tests
- UNOS statement on member vote for board independence
- Aimee Sachs
- UNOS expands leadership team
- Emily Hoffman
- VCA Uterus no longer needs body part selection- effective March 27, 2024
- UNOS applauds president’s FY2025 budget request
- UNOS welcomes new seven-member board of directors
- TMF 2024 presenter Andrea Tietjen, MBA, CPA, on transplant financing
- Data confirmation reports now available in Data Services Portal
- Upcoming TransNet organ check-in reporting change
- TMF 2024 presenter Jennifer Milton, MBA, BSN, on the OPTN Expeditious Task Force
- UNOS and HRSA agree on new short-term OPTN contract
- UNOS adds leading U.S. technology expert to executive leadership team
- Virginia General Assembly commends UNOS
- UNOS unveils new artwork honoring organ donors and recipients
- Coming soon: CPRA >98% form removal for highly sensitized candidates
- Upcoming change to TransNet user management and access
- Coming soon: Change to the Organ Offer Acceptance Limit
- CPRA >98% form for highly sensitized candidates removed
- UNOS statement on OPTN requests for proposals
- Ryker Tucker
- UNOS applauds passage of FAA reauthorization bill
- Coming soon: Offer Filters for liver and heart allocation
- New enhancements added to DonorNet
- UNOS welcomes new chief legal officer
- TMF 2024 Heckenkemper Award Winner: Nancy Metzler honored
- Offer Filters for liver and heart now available
- Liver treatment options added for HCC exception candidates
- Transplant programs, OPOs must specify second Patient Safety Contact as of July 25
- Michael J Canada
- UNOS applauds U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee for increasing funding for the OPTN Modernization Initiative
- UPDATE: UNOS responds to inaccuracies in Bloomberg Law article
- William Bradley James "BJ" Sigafoos
- Steven Russell Eugene Henson
- UNOS responds to inquiry by Sens. Wyden, Grassley about new Chief Technology Officer
- Andrew Klein, M.D. named UNOS Chief Medical Officer
- Pre-implementation notice: Standardize six-minute walk for lung allocation
- Notice of data privacy event
- Implementation notice: Standardize six-minute walk for lung allocation
- UNOS responds to House subcommittee hearing
- UNOS sets the record straight
- UNOS fires back at defamatory statements that it has acted unlawfully
- UNOS applauds House action to prohibit discrimination in organ transplants
- Dec. 16, 2024: Join UNOS and Donate Life America for the National Tree of Life event
- UNOS applauds introduction of the Organ Donation Referral Improvement Act
- Andrew George Levitt
- UNOS remains committed to strengthening the system
- 21 organizations join UNOS in support of the Organ Donation Referral Improvement Act
- Let us know what you think!
- UNOS continuously strengthens the security of the OPTN IT system
- UNOS and Donate Life America invite you to honor donors
- UNOS CEO Urges Congressional Action on Lifesaving Reforms
- UNOS names 2024 Lisa Schaffner Community Advocate Award recipient
- Leslie and Bill Carruth awarded annual Lisa Schaffner Community Advocate Award
- Sheila Jones
- U.S. surpassed 48,000 organ transplants in 2024
- A more efficient way to get organs to patients in need
- 90,000 people are waiting for a kidney. Here's one way to get them a kidney faster.
- We can track Amazon packages-why not lifesaving organs?
- Organs shouldn’t be transported in airline cargo. Here's why.
- Lung CAS summary data updated
- UNOS’ organ matching technology is working 24/7, 365 days a year
- What is xenotransplantation, and how far away is it?
- UNOS’ high expectations for IT security standards – and what’s next
- TMF 2025 presenter Samantha Ramirez on the Evolving Role of Transplant Coordinators
- Efficiently matching patients with organs for transplant
- Transforming transplant program operations with data-driven tools
- TMF 2025 speaker Cathi Murphey on Kidney Paired Donation
- TMF 2025 presenters Geatrakas and Socci on Creating a Healthy Relationship between transplant staff and the C-Suite