Understand organ offer evaluation practices of surgeons, physicians and coordinators.

Test and experiment with hypothetical organ offers within a simulated environment.

Leverage the power of DonorNet and UNet℠, the proprietary technology platform continuously improved by UNOS.
A behavioral research tool to improve organ offer acceptance
Different people make different decisions—it’s human nature. But behavioral science research has shown that how information is presented to a user can impact their decision making. For donation and transplant professionals who want to increase transplant, simulations offer a way to experiment with how different ways of displaying information (and how different types of information) can affect decision making.
Identify opportunities through organ offer simulations, custom studies and reports
SimUNet, UNOS’ proprietary simulation platform, offers a testing ground for understanding and improving behaviors. Its primary uses today include behavioral studies on organ offer acceptance and human-centered design, as well as education, collaboration with external researchers, and center-based quality assurance and performance improvement (QAPI). Our researchers want to know about your pain points—we can help optimize solutions and provide center-specific insights. Currently the SimUNet platform supports kidney offers, but future work includes expansion to other organ types. Request more information about how this flexible simulation platform can help you increase transplants.
A tool to improve your center’s performance
Casey Humphries, UNOS Labs program manager, shares what SimUNet can offer transplant programs. As a data-driven organization working in partnership with leaders in technology, research and science, UNOS is continuously in search of innovations that increase performance and efficiencies.
Performance improvement through data analysis
A single organ transplant involves a complex series of decisions made under time-sensitive conditions, sometimes in the middle of the night. Factors that can impact performance improvement in the transplant community include:
- The variability of organ offer acceptance and refusal trends
- Complex and multidisciplinary organ offer evaluation processes
These and other factors related to organ offer acceptance behaviors can potentially allow usable kidneys to go untransplanted. Behavioral analysis with SimUNet can help isolate the impact of key clinical factors in a controlled environment. What are the factors impacting work at your center? Request more information about center-specific studies.
Organ offer simulation studies, risk analysis, quality improvement
Many individual decisions are involved in the organ offer and evaluation processes, complicating a program’s ability to understand key opportunities to improve and increase transplant. SimUNet simulates the actual platform involved in many transplant and OPO behaviors such as:
- Organ offer evaluation practices
- Organ offer acceptance patterns
- Pending offer behaviors
- QAPI initiatives
- Practice changes
- Risk analysis
SimUNet allows researchers to analyze these and other factors involved in the organ acceptance process. Request more information about custom studies.
SimUNet has a wide range of use cases including:
- Testing predictive analytics, patient-centered clinical support and calculators for organ utilization
- Studying organ acceptance behavior
- Supporting center-level QAPI initiatives
- Understanding impact of cold ischemic time and logistics on acceptance behavior
- Education tool for clinicians evaluating offers
Let’s collaborate and increase transplants
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How are UNOS researchers using this simulation lab?
Read about their recently-published findings on behavioral research to improve kidney transplant decision making.