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New site guide & FAQ

New site guide & FAQ

What’s new?

New UNOS WebsiteThe most important news is now front and center. Plus, you’ll find feature stories that focus on innovation, improvement and insights in transplant that members can use to become more efficient and effective.

Scroll further and you’ll also find event information and the latest transplant policy and systems changes. You can also link to the Transplant Management Forum page, and read heartwarming Stories of Hope. And, a robust new search system helps you quickly find what you’re looking for.

All visitors will be automatically redirected to from their bookmarked pages.

Where do I find…

  • Transplant Management Forum news and information? Click here.
  • Regional meeting information? Just like before, you’ll select the Community tab from the main navigation, then Regions or Regional Meetings.
  • TransNetSM updates? Select the Technology tab from the main navigation, then choose UNetSM. You can access TransNetSM from the list.
  • System notices? Find these notices by clicking here.
  • Recently-added resources in UNOS Connect? Select the Professional education tab from the Resources tab in the main navigation. The latest modules are grouped by topic in the boxes below.

Subscribers will continue to receive our Transplant Pro enewsletter each month. Not a subscriber yet? Stay in the loop on the latest transplant news and subscribe here.


Contact the UNOS Communications staff.

Lung CAS summary data updated

Lung CAS summary data updated

Information for lung transplant programs on the distribution of scores for all active registrations waiting for lung transplants in the U.S.

UNOS sets the record straight

UNOS sets the record straight

To set the record straight and correct some false information, UNOS is fact-checking statements made during the
House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Oversight Subcommittee hearing titled “A Year Removed: Oversight of Securing the U.S. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Act Implementation.

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