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UNOS’ organ matching technology is working 24/7, 365 days a year

UNOS’ technology is matching critical organs with patients for transplant 365 days a year. Ongoing IT security and stability enhancements provide protection to lifesaving technology.

Lung policy

Lung CAS summary data updated

Information for lung transplant programs on the distribution of scores for all active registrations waiting for lung transplants in the U.S.

Organs shouldn’t be transported in airline cargo. Here’s why.

Federal law prevents organs from being transported in the main cabin of commercial airplanes. UNOS is working to get organs out of cargo.

We can track Amazon packages-why not lifesaving organs?

The U.S. needs a national organ tracking system. UNOS is working to help make that happen.

90,000 people are waiting for a kidney. Here’s one way to get them a kidney faster.

The new, UNOS-supported Medicare program that should help increase kidney transplants.

A more efficient way to get organs to patients in need

Automated donor referrals will help more donated organs be transplanted. UNOS calls for Congressional action to mandate this process.

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Living it forward

Stories of hope

Each person touched by organ donation and transplant has a unique story. Read about lives changed
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