The Member Quality and Information Technology teams at United Network for Organ Sharing have been collaborating with the community to deliver these enhancements to the member experience. Empowering users and bringing new efficiency to the membership application process are key benefits of the this Member Community platform.

Manage your application submissions online!
Different OPTN membership categories require different application materials. Until now, all membership applications have been paper-based, a burdensome and sometimes inefficient process. Transplant programs are required to use membership applications to propose key personnel such as a primary surgeon or primary physician, or to apply for any new transplant programs within an approved member hospital. Learn more about what kinds of member organizations are part of the OPTN here.
If you are a registered UNet user at an adult kidney, pancreas, liver, heart, lung or intestine transplant program and have been granted access to Member Community by your UNet Security Administrator, you can now apply electronically or amend your OPTN membership using this online tool. Find more details about how to secure permissions from your UNet Security Administrator here.
Access should only be granted to those who typically handle membership applications at their member organization. Lack of access to the Member Community application in Secure Enterprise does not impact existing UNet access to Waitlist℠,DonorNet®, DonorNet Mobile℠,TIEDI® or TransNet℠.
Benefits of the new online application tool
- Applications that pre-populate with current information already in the database
- Ability to log in and access only the applications members need, based on the changes they are required to make, without having to navigate unnecessary forms
- Ability to save and return to applications at any time
- Simultaneous accessibility of a program’s applications to multiple users and editors, making for more efficient processes
- Capacity to collect required signatures electronically
The online membership application tool does not yet support applying for a pediatric component, vascular composite allograft (VCA )or pancreas islet programs. VCA and islet programs can find membership application information and pdf materials on the How to Apply page.
If you have any questions regarding membership applications or the launch of the new online membership application tool, please contact the UNOS Membership team at [email protected] or by calling 833-577-9469.