As of April 6, 2017, all OPOs are required to perform toxoplasma IgG testing and enter the test results under the Infectious Diseases section of DonorNet (See OPTN Policy 2.9 for details).
OPOs are required to report all infectious disease test results on the vessels packaging label that is attached to the outermost layer of the triple sterile barrier (See OPTN Policy 16.3 for details). Information for these labels is either handwritten or generated using TransNet. If using TransNet, infectious disease test results can be electronically imported from DonorNet or hand entered through the TransNet application.
As of this time, toxoplasma IgG screening results do not export electronically from DonorNet into TransNet, and the vessels label does not contain a specific space for these results. We are working on technology and labeling solutions to resolve these issues and will inform you as soon as possible on progress. In the meantime, we highly recommend that you enter toxoplasma IgG screening results in the first existing “Other ” data field on the vessels label or in the TransNet infectious disease screen.
The OPTN/UNOS Operations and Safety Committee, along with the OPO Committee, will be evaluating the vessels label policy requirements for future clarification. If you have additional questions, please contact your Regional Administrator.