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UNOS embraces reform of the U.S. donation and transplant system

UNOS embraces reform of the U.S. donation and transplant system

Ahead of today’s U.S. Senate Committee on Finance hearing on the nation’s organ donation and transplant system, United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) reiterates its commitment to modernizing and reforming the nation’s organ donation and transplant system and working with Congress to achieve measurable results for patients.

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Kidney – Pancreas

FAQ: New multi-organ polices in effect

The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Ad-hoc Multi Organ Transplantation Committee has implemented several safety net policies to ensure patients in need of multiple organ transplants to get priority when they become medically eligible.

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Liver – Intestine

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Heart – Lung

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VCA allocation is now in UNet 

Allocation of all Vascularized Composite Allograft (VCA) organs has been moved to UNetSM. Any patients on the “VCA Candidate List” have been added to WaitlistSM by UNOS staff.

Improving the system together

When minutes matter: The issues at stake in organ transportation

When minutes matter: The issues at stake in organ transportation

A look at the intersecting challenges in organ transportation and a call for government and industry leaders to join the donation and transplant community in finding national-level solutions that ensure donor organs get safely to patients in need.


Martha Pavlakis, M.D.

“… policy is the living, breathing expression of group values.”

Martha Pavlakis, M.D. on new policies that put patients first

Policy changes

Latest in reporting positive post procurement donor results

A new permission in Security Administration was added today for transplant programs. Starting Feb. 28, Transplant Programs will be able to view and acknowledge receipt of these notifications from a new dashboard in DonorNet. The dashboard will be visible only to hospital users who have this new permission to acknowledge these notifications.

Policy monitoring

Learn: Collaborative improvement and educational resources



Latest in reporting positive post procurement donor results

A new permission in Security Administration was added today for transplant programs. Starting Feb. 28, Transplant Programs will be able to view and acknowledge receipt of these notifications from a new dashboard in DonorNet. The dashboard will be visible only to hospital users who have this new permission to acknowledge these notifications.

Effective practices

Learn about collaborative improvement projects

Learn about issues impacting patients, donors, donor families, and the national system. Issues and advocacy


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Leadership news

In Memoriam: Julie Ice

UNOS celebrates the life and advocacy of Julie Ice, a lung recipient and a member of the OPTN Patient Affairs Committee.

“The dozens of topics presented at TMF shared one thing—our community’s dedication to doing everything we can to constantly improve the system and better serve the patients who rely on us.”

Read more

Joseph Hillenburg with his family

A father’s voice

“As a recipient parent, I am comforted that UNOS is always improving its ability to match donors to recipients — as they did for my son.”

Patient safety

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Transplant hospital

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Update: CPRA calculation

The new formula for Calculated Panel Reactive Antibody (CPRA) will now go into effect on Jan. 26, 2023. 

Stories and tributes

Each person touched by organ donation transplant has a unique story. Threads of hope connect them. Find videos, stories and tributes

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