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UNOS remains committed to strengthening the system

UNOS remains committed to strengthening the system

The United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) reinforces its unwavering commitment to serving the nation’s organ donation and transplant community and patients through its contract with the federal government.

UNOS strengthens leadership team

UNOS strengthens leadership team

Several new leaders will play integral roles in advancing UNOS’ mission to strengthen the organ donation and transplant system.

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icon of pancreas inside circle

Kidney – Pancreas

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icon of intestine inside circle

Liver – Intestine

icon of heart inside circle
icon of lung inside circle

Heart – Lung

Offer Filters now available for lung allocation

Offer Filters adds data-driven, multi-criteria filters to organ offers at a program level so lung transplant programs can filter offers they will not accept and organ procurement organizations (OPOs) can find an accepting candidate more quickly.

VCA inside circle


Improving the system together


Martha Pavlakis, M.D.

“… policy is the living, breathing expression of group values.”

Martha Pavlakis, M.D. on new policies that put patients first

Policy changes

Extra Vessels included in TIEDI® for VCA

TIEDI® permissions for Vessels Reporting have been added to all 10 VCA organs within Security Administration. These permissions allow designated users either full access or read only access, similar to existing permissions for non-VCA organs. Ensure permissions established before March 6, 2024.

Policy monitoring

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Effective practices

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Learn about issues impacting patients, donors, donor families, and the national system. Issues and advocacy

Patient safety

Transplant hospital



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