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UNOS remains committed to strengthening the system

UNOS remains committed to strengthening the system

The United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) reinforces its unwavering commitment to serving the nation’s organ donation and transplant community and patients through its contract with the federal government.

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icon of pancreas inside circle

Kidney – Pancreas

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icon of intestine inside circle

Liver – Intestine

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icon of lung inside circle

Heart – Lung

Lung CAS summary data updated

Information for lung transplant programs on the distribution of scores for all active registrations waiting for lung transplants in the U.S.

VCA inside circle


Extra Vessels included in TIEDI® for VCA

TIEDI® permissions for Vessels Reporting have been added to all 10 VCA organs within Security Administration. These permissions allow designated users either full access or read only access, similar to existing permissions for non-VCA organs. Ensure permissions established before March 6, 2024.

Improving the system together


New enhancements added to DonorNet

The enhancements give users quicker access to member contact information and more visibility of the most recent donor record update.

Martha Pavlakis, M.D.

“… policy is the living, breathing expression of group values.”

Martha Pavlakis, M.D. on new policies that put patients first

Policy changes

Policy monitoring

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Patient safety

Transplant hospital


Mandatory training and UNet user audit opens Feb. 28, 2024

Beginning Feb. 28, 2024, site security administrators will have four weeks to complete the required audit of their UNet users. Prior to completing the audit, site security administrators must complete the updated training course UNet Security Administration (SYS 150)...

Latest in reporting positive post procurement donor results

A new permission in Security Administration was added today for transplant programs. Starting Feb. 28, Transplant Programs will be able to view and acknowledge receipt of these notifications from a new dashboard in DonorNet. The dashboard will be visible only to hospital users who have this new permission to acknowledge these notifications.


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