New UNOS Connect resources for donation and transplant professionals

New UNOS Connect resources for donation and transplant professionals

New learning series launched in UNOS Connect

UNOS Connect is a comprehensive learning management system for donation and transplant professionals. In UNOS Connect you can sign up for UNOS training and professional education events and access a variety of instructional materials related to policy and technology.

UNOS has developed a new online learning series focusing on three of the most highly-utilized data tools in the data services portal in UNet℠—the Kidney Waiting List Management Tool, the Recovery and Usage Maps report, or RUM, and the Organ Offer Reports, or ROO.

To access these trainings, log on to UNOS Connect and search the course catalog using the following curriculum information.

New curriculum available now

SYS155: Kidney Waiting List Management Tool 

The Kidney Waiting List Management Tool allows kidney transplant program staff to recognize which inactive candidates are more likely to receive an offer if activated.

This course provides an overview of the tool’s functionality and features, and offers examples of how transplant programs can use the tool.

This recently-updated tool also helps staff identify the active candidates likely to receive an offer, resulting in candidates being ready for a transplant when an organ becomes available.

SYS156: Recovery and Usage Maps (RUM) Report 

The RUM tool is available to all organ procurement organizations and transplant programs, and provides DSA-level recovery and transplant information based on selected donor characteristics. It also shows which programs are transplanting organs from the types of donors selected.

This course walks you through using the RUM and provides an overview of the report’s functionality. It also offers a few examples that demonstrate how to use this tool in your own work.

SYS157: Organ Offers Report (ROO)

The ROO is available to every transplant program and includes data on 180 days of organ offers to candidates at each transplant program.

This course will walk you through the visual representation of the ROO and provides an overview of tool functionality.  Through a few examples, you will learn how to use this tool to quickly understand your center’s recent organ acceptance practices.

The recently-updated report shows each donor-candidate pair on every match run for all organs offered, allowing programs to quickly understand their recent organ acceptance practices.

Tools to improve, learnings to share

The UNOS Connect training modules are intended to be shared with new staff who may not yet be familiar with the tools as well as current staff who may not be aware of recent updates and improvements. The UNOS professional education team works with the community to develop these resources and insure they stay current and relevant.

Learn how to assign UNOS Connect trainings to your staff.

Business intelligence at UNOS—working with the community

UNOS researchers continue to refine existing tools and develop new ones to assist members in their work to increase transplants. These resources help members better understand their data so they can develop strategies to improve and refine their processes, and member feedback helps shape every quality improvement reporting tool.

Read how UNOS business intelligence works with the community to drive improvement.


For questions, comments or suggestions about UNOS Connect or other professional education resources, contact [email protected]

For questions, comments or suggestions regarding data tools, contact [email protected]

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