On October 18, 2012, UNOS launched Transplant Pro, our new and improved member website. Since then, transplant professionals have made 58,343 visits to the site to access everything from policy and patient safety information to webinar schedules and regional meeting updates. On average, the amount of monthly visits to the Transplant Pro has doubled from the average monthly amount of visits to the site’s predecessor(communication.unos.org).
Currently 6,358 professionals are subscribed to receive the Transplant Pro monthly e-Newsletter, which points them to recently-added material. If you aren’t currently receiving the e-Newsletter, sign up to receive it now.
What you’ve been reading
Most visited categories in the last year:
- Sign up to receive our e-newsletter
- Education > Primer
- Professional Resources
- Policy
- I am looking for > Kidney Paired Donation
- Education > Transplant Management Forum
More interesting stats:
- Visitors browse 2.46 pages per visit
- Visitors spend an average of 2 minutes, 48 seconds on the website
Thank you for visiting Transplant Pro over the past year. We hope you find it useful and have bookmarked it for easy access. We continually evaluate the site and are planning more improvements in the future.