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Smart phone screen showing demo of mobile app and small icons inside of circles showing the complexity of the organ match

Improving DonorNet Mobile together

The new mobile-friendly website was developed in partnership with transplant coordinators, administrators and surgeons from across the country.

UNOS Luminaries brings together the community to continuously improve the system and save more lives.

New speaker series explores latest advances in transplant

Luminaries is a free educational fundraiser that raises awareness of organ transplant and important initiatives. This discussion will spotlight current research and advancements in technology that have the potential to improve the nation’s transplant system.

UNOS news, system changes

UNOS launches new online membership forms to all labs and OPOs

UNet Security Administrators may grant access.

2020: Most lives ever saved by deceased donors. 6% increase in deceased donors over 2019. More than 33,000 life-saving transplants from deceased donors. 10th record year in a row for deceased donation. Based on OPTN data as of 01/11/21. Data subject to change based on future data submission or correction.

Annual record trend continues for deceased organ donation, deceased donor transplants

New records for deceased donation and deceased donor transplants; living donor transplants decreased largely due to COVID-19.

Board of Directors election 2021

Voting opens Jan. 13, 2021, for Board election/Annual meeting of members

Voting opens Jan. 13, 2021 and the 2021 Annual Meeting of Members will be held Jan. 28, 2021.

UNOS news related to COVID-19 and transplantation

COVID-19 update: Jan. 7, 2021

Upcoming requirements for COVID-19 testing data collection in DonorNet® Beginning Jan. 27, DonorNet will require users to report if COVID-19 testing was performed on the donor. Prior to sending electronic organ offers, OPO members must answer the question, “Was COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) testing performed on the donor?”. The question was added to the donor record in April […]

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Living it forward

Stories of hope

Each person touched by organ donation and transplant has a unique story. Read about lives changed
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