Coming June 23rd – System changes related to ABO verification policy change
Audience Transplant hospital staff responsible for receiving donor organs and determining and verifying candidate blood type OPO staff responsible for determining and verifying donor blood type Living donor recovery hospitals Quality assurance staff at OPOs and...
Waitlist enhancement enables online pediatric lung exception requests for adolescent classification
OPTN policy allows for members to request an exception for these candidates; the previous process was handled manually

UNOS honored for innovation in technology
The Richmond Technology Council (RichTech) honored UNOS with an Innovation in Development Award for its recent launch of a data portal that provides organ donation and transplant professionals nationwide with timely and convenient access to critical information and data.

Enhancement to the Waitlist Removal History Search
We recently made several changes to the WaitlistSM system related to the removal history search. These changes should improve your user experience.

Data services portal in UNet now includes Center STAR files
Effective now, centers can access their own Center STAR files from the new data services portal in UNet. You can access this information by selecting Resources from the main navigation bar on the UNet homepage. Next select, Data Services > My Data Files.