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Member organizations

Transplant hospitals, organ procurement organizations (OPOs) and histocompatibility laboratories in the United States all belong to the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN). Voluntary health organizations, such as the American Diabetes Association; general public members, such as ethicists, transplant recipients and donor family members; and medical professional and scientific organizations, such as the American Medical Association also belong. Members play an active role in forming the policies that govern the transplant community.

View member organizations

There are seven categories of membership:

  • Transplant hospitals
  • Organ procurement organizations
  • Histocompatibility labs
  • Medical/scientific members
  • Public organization members
  • Business members
  • Individual members

Apply for OPTN membership

The detailed descriptions for the categories of membership are described in the Bylaws, Article I. Membership means that upon completion of the prescribed application process and satisfaction of applicable requirements, the organization has demonstrated compliance with all applicable membership criteria.

Individuals from member organizations participate in the decision-making process through representation on committees and on the Board of Directors.

How to apply for OPTN membership

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Contact us to apply for OPTN membership or with questions about an existing application.
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