UNOS data analytics
Performance improvement data tools
Benchmark against other OPOs
OPO Benchmark Report
Insights to increase organ utilization
Organ Utilization Tool
Know organs are safely on their way to transplant
Organ Tracking Service
Benchmark Report
Understand. Compare. Improve.
Learn how you compare with other organ procurement organizations

UNOS OPO Benchmark Report
Quarterly report
Understand your performance
UNOS provides all OPOs with a standard quarterly Benchmark Report to provide you insights into your OPOs organ offers as well as your donor and candidate populations.
Compare and improve
This report’s data visualizations help you compare your OPO’s activity, performance, and characteristics to OPOs with similar characteristics or in the same region, and to national trends.
organ utilization tool
Increase organ utilization
Get insight into declined organ offers

Organ Utilization Tool (OUT)
Updated monthly
Increase utilization of the organs you recover. Use these monthly Tableau workbooks to help facilitate conversations with customized groups of transplant hospitals who turned down organs that were transplanted elsewhere.
This tool allows you to:
- View recipient characteristics and outcomes including graft and patient status and survival rates at six months and one year
- Use filters to review specific types of organs (DCD, HCV-positive, etc.) with selected transplant programs
Big picture
Displays the most recent 24 months of data on the offers your OPO made to select transplant hospitals.
Get insight into organ movement, timing of responses and the use of provisional yes at each program. Read more.
Peace of mind
Know donated organs are safely on their way to transplant
Easy to use
- GEGO global tracking devices attach to organ packages
- Integrates with TransNetSM
- Partnership with FlightAware means that flight information is included
- Seamless integration with DonorNet® and DonorNet MobileSM

UNOS custom solutions
Innovation for your data needs
Have a research or data need not covered by these tools? UNOS research experts can consult with you to solve for your unique need.
Custom registries and databases
Insights on patient population trends or improved outcome measures. Learn more.
Technology consulting
Statistical modeling and research experts for domestic or international development of optimal solutions.