SRTR and UNOS researchers collaborate to publish two journal articles

SRTR and UNOS researchers collaborate to publish two journal articles

Researchers from the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) and UNOS’ departments of Research and Policy collaborated to publish two special articles in the December 2012 issue of the American Journal of Transplantation.  Each article described the history and current status of organ-specific allocation policies, as well as future direction of policies to ensure effectiveness and equity.  One article concentrated on kidney, pancreas and liver allocation, and the other examined lung and heart allocation.

You can access both articles on the SRTR website.

NOTE: This work was supported by Health Resources and Services Administration contracts 234-2005-370011C and HHSH250201000018C. The content is the responsibility of the authors alone and does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services.

For more detailed information, please consult the articles:

J.M. Smith, S.W. Biggins, D.G. Haselby, W.R. Kim, J. Wedd, K. Lamb, B. Thompson, D.L. Segev, S. Gustafson, R. Kandaswamy, P.G. Stock, A.J. Matas, C.J. Samana, E.F. Sleeman, D. Stewart, A. Harper, E. Edwards, J.J. Snyder, B.L. Kasiske and A.K. Israni.  Kidney, Pancreas and Liver Allocation and Distribution in the United States.  American Journal of Transplantation, Vol. 12, Issue 12, December 2012, pp. 3191-3212.

M. Colvin-Adams, M. Valapour, M. Hertz, B. Heubner, K. Paulson, V. Dhungel, M.A. Skeans, L. Edwards, V. Ghimire, C. Waller, W.S. Cherikh, B.L. Kasiske, J.J. Snyder and A.K. Israni.  Lung and Heart Allocation in the United States.  American Journal of Transplantation, Vol. 12, Issue 12, December 2012, pp. 3213-3234.

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