Sneak previews of the 2016 UNOS Transplant Management Forum

Sneak previews of the 2016 UNOS Transplant Management Forum

Each month we’ll present teasers of the sessions and speakers you’ll be hearing from at the 2016 Transplant Management Forum.

Register for the TMF conference now

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Martine Rothblatt

SILVER SPRING, MD -- SEPTEMBER 12: Martine Rothblatt, CEO of United Therapies and former CEO of SiriusXM, is the highest paid CEO in the country. Rothblatt founded UT after her daughter was diagnosed with a rare lung disease. She is also transgender and married to the same woman for 32 years…. (photo by Andre Chung for The Washington Post) MAGAZINE

Martine Rothblatt is Chairman & Co‐CEO of United Therapeutics
Corporation (UTHR), and President & CEO of its Lung Biotechnology public benefit company. She previously created and led Sirius XM as its Chairman & CEO. She has JD and MBA degrees from UCLA, and a Ph.D. in Medical
Ethics from the Royal London School of Medicine & Dentistry. Her
patented inventions cover aspects of satellite radio, prostacyclin
biochemistry and cognitive software. Dr. Rothblatt’s most recent books are
on xenotransplantation (Your Life or Mine, Ashgate) and cyberethics
(Virtually Human, St. Martin’s).

Learn about OPTN/UNOS strategic goals and initiatives

OPTN/UNOS President Betsy Walsh will brief attendees on current OPTN/UNOS strategic goals and initiatives.

Betsy Walsh_TMF speakerBetsy Walsh, J.D., M.P.H., OPTN/UNOS President, Deputy General Counsel, Novant Health
Betsy J. Walsh, J.D., M.P.H., vice president and general counsel at Novant Health Inc. in Charlotte, N.C., is President of the OPTN/UNOS board of directors and executive committee. She is a living kidney donor (1995).

Learn about trends in data visualization

Bob Carrico and Sarah Taranto from the UNOS Research Department will present Visualize This: New Tools, New Services. 

New ways of looking at OPTN data allow us to see the U.S. transplant system as a whole and identify typical center performance and geographical differences. We want to partner with you to visualize your data, to enhance patient outcomes and advance your quality improvement efforts. Staff from the UNOS Research Department will share how you can view flat, boring data in an exhilarating way through data visualization, and will provide an in-depth look at services and offerings that are now available to the community.

Bob C picBob Carrico, Ph.D., Research Scientist in the UNOS Research Department. Bob received his Ph.D. in biostatistics from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2012 and has been at UNOS since that time.  While at UNOS, Bob has provided analytical support to the OPTN Pancreas Transplantation Committee and Membership and Professional Standards Committee (MPSC) as well as internal departments within UNOS.  Since early 2013, Bob has been involved developing and displaying OPTN and UNOS organizational level metrics for executive leadership and other staff.  Recently he has helped lead UNOS data visualizations into Tableau to enhance user experience with the data.

Sarah T pic.pngSarah Taranto, Manager, Data Analytics in the UNOS Research Department. Sarah has been at UNOS for 20 years. During that time, her responsibilities have included oversight of the UNOS data request system and analytical support to the Ad Hoc Disease Transmission Advisory and International Relations Committees. In her current role, she works to enhance the transplant community’s access to valuable and timely data reports and visual analytics through standard data requests, the new UNET Data Services portal, and providing new and improved services to OPTN members through UNOS Analytical Services.

Learn more and register for the TMF conference to hear talks like these.

Learn about member compliance

Ann-Marie Leary from UNOS and Janie Oakley, the transplant administrator at Mayo Clinic present OPTN/UNOS Membership and Professional Standards Committee (MPSC) Compliance Reviews – What to Expect and How to Avoid.

Learn about MPSC compliance reviews, including issues the MPSC routinely monitors, the most common policy violations, and what to expect when you interact with the MPSC. This session will also advise you how to stay ahead of problems that result in MPSC action and give you strategies for forming a good Corrective Action Plan.

Ann Marie picAnn-Marie Leary, UNOS Committee Operations Manager, Member Quality Department Ann-Marie joined UNOS in 2012, just weeks after her mother-in-law received a life-saving double lung transplant. For three years, she was a liaison to the Membership and Professional Standards Committee’s Policy Compliance Subcommittee and facilitated the MPSC’s review of member compliance issues and member due process proceedings. In June 2015, she became the Manager of MPSC Operations and now oversees many MPSC processes, including member reviews, committee appointments and workload, and MPSC interactions with other OPTN committees. Before working at UNOS, Ann-Marie worked in legal compliance at the Richmond-based law firm Hunton & Williams LLP.

Janie picJanie Oakley, MSPOD, FACHE, Transplant Administrator, Mayo Clinic Hospital Janie has devoted herself to serving others in academic healthcare settings for 26 years. For the past 15 years she was Operations Director in three unique transplant centers where she was responsible for kidney, pancreas, liver, heart, and lung programs. She is currently the Operations Administrator for the Mayo Clinic Transplant Center in Phoenix. Janie received her bachelor’s degree in healthcare services management from the University of Kentucky and her master’s degree in positive organizational development from Case Western Reserve Weatherhead School of Business. She is a certified health care executive through the American College of Healthcare Executives. Janie has served on a number of local and national transplant committees, including Chair of the AST Transplant Administrators Community of Practice and most recently serving on the OPTN/UNOS Membership Professional Standards Committee.


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