Organ Donation and Transplantation Alliance offers upcoming learning opportunities

Organ Donation and Transplantation Alliance offers upcoming learning opportunities


Increasing Use of Ventricular Assist Device as a Bridge to Transplant – Effects on Patients and Programs
Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015, 3-4pm ET

Mechanical circulatory support used both as a bridge to transplantation and as destination therapy has become an increasingly important therapy for patients suffering from end-stage heart failure. While LVAD therapy as allowed a greater number of patients to be eligible for transplant, the number of donor organs has remained stagnant. This session offers an overview of the effect of this practice on both patients and transplant programs. Register now.


Donating to Research – How to Facilitate Innovation in Research

Tuesday, September 29th, 2015, 2-3:30p.m. ET

Innovative thinking is constantly driving research to identify treatments and cures for debilitating or even life-robbing diseases. Commonly, organs/tissues may be offered to research if other organs/tissues from the same donor are being recovered for transplant or they are offered to research as a back-up if an organ is not transplantable. But, what about when donating to transplant is not an option, however, donating to research would be an option? This webinar shares two case scenarios, one from a donor family and the other from an OPO and hospital, in which donation for research was the only option and the ripple effect it had on research studies, on engaging a donor hospital, and in healing grieving families.

Register now.

The Potential and Impact of NeoNatal Donation to Transplantation
Tuesday, October 13th, 2015, 2-3 pm ET

Neonates are often overlooked as potential organ donors. This webinar is designed to help recognize the potential that exists for organ donation among the neonatal population and how the organs of neonates are used in transplantation.

Register now.

Learn more about educational opportunies available through the Alliance.


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