OPOs and transplant hospitals can now track organs in transit

OPOs and transplant hospitals can now track organs in transit

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The new UNOS Organ Tracking Service provides live updates to OPOs and transplant hospitals

15 OPOs influenced and tested UNOS Organ Tracking Service

The UNOS Organ Tracking Service provides peace of mind for organ donor families, OPOs and transplant hospitals.

OPOs and transplant hospitals can now know organs are safely on their way.

Influenced and tested by 15 OPOs and developed by UNOS, the UNOS Organ Tracking Service allows OPOs and transplant hospitals to track organs in transit using GEGO global tracking devices. The service provides visibility to OPOs and transplant hospitals with automated notifications and a live tracking map.

Organ procurement and transplant hospital staff can now know:

  • When an organ is in transit.
  • When an organ arrives at any airport.
  • If a flight has taken off and an organ is still at the airport.
  • When an organ has arrived at the intended destination.

Attached to organ packages, the GEGO global tracking devices provide real time automated notifications to designated users. The UNOS Organ Tracking Service integrates into systems and workflows already in use by OPOs and transplant hospitals, including TransNetSM and DonorNet MobileSM. It also pulls in current flight information from FlightAware’s database.

Developed using feedback from dozens of end-users, the UNOS Organ Tracking Service aligns functionality with the solutions needed in organ transportation and is scalable for the volume and budget of each OPO. The service will help ensure that organs are traveling to the right patients and delivered safely.

Know organs are safely on their way to transplant

Learn more about how the UNOS Organ Tracking Service provides clarity and peace of mind for the transplant community.

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