COVID-19 update: April 15, 2022

COVID-19 update: April 15, 2022

Help answer your patients’ important questions

See the patient-friendly information section below for the latest news about COVID-19 therapeutics and treatment, as well as answers to patients’ frequently asked questions.

Distribution of sotrovimab paused nationwide

The National Institute of Health’s (NIH) COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel no longer recommends sotrovimab as a treatment option for nonhospitalized patients, citing substantially decreased in vitro activity against the dominant COVID-19 subvariant Omicron BA.2. Read the latest recommendations from NIH here.

Help your patients locate Evusheld therapy

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services maintains a national map displaying public locations that have received shipments of COVID-19 therapeutics such as Evusheld, molnupiravir and bebtelovimab. These therapies require a prescription, and the locator is intended for provider use.


Second booster dose of two COVID-19 vaccines authorized by the FDA for older and immunocompromised individuals

  • Emergency use authorizations have been amended for the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.

COVID-19 data element added to Center STAR files

  • The ‘COVID information for Donor’ data collection field provides transplant hospitals a standard definition for a COVID-19 positive donor based on test COVID-19 results collected in DonorNet®. The new data collection element is:
    • COVID_POS_DON (CHAR(1)): Donor tested positive for COVID
  • While all COVID-19 testing history is provided in Center STAR files for in-depth analysis, the new data element alleviates the need to create and calculate an ad hoc definition of COVID-19 positivity and lets transplant hospitals quickly filter their data on a single data element. Center STAR files are accessible in Secure Enterprise℠. Learn more about Center STAR files.

Reporting COVID-19-related cause of death for transplant candidates and recipients

  • Transplant programs reporting a cause of death for a transplant candidate or recipient in WaitlistSM or TIEDI® should select “Infection: Viral – COVID-19,” if the program believes to the best of its knowledge that COVID-19 was an underlying cause of death or a significant cause of death. This code was established in April 2020 to facilitate assessment of the disease’s impact on the candidate and recipient populations.

The latest data on organ donation and transplant in the U.S.

  • Find high-level data on transplants, deceased donors recovered, patients added to the waitlist and patients temporarily moved to inactive waitlist status.


  • For COVID-19 related policy and operational questions, email [email protected]
  • For information and updates about the status of in-person vs. virtual OPTN committee meetings, check the OPTN calendar of events.
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