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UNOS news, policy changes

Implementation system notice: Modification of the lung recipient TRF

Effective June 30, 2020, new data elements are being captured within the graft function section of the Transplant Recipient Follow-up form (TRF).

UNOS News: OPTN Regional Review

Study of OPTN regional structure and process begins

The OPTN wants your input on the regional structure and process. Please submit your input today.

Table showing updates to candidate lab data during 2020 COVID-19

COVID-19 policy keeps transplant patients safe, protects medical urgency status

Staff and members collaborated to create emergency policy and IT changes to protect patients and keep the system nimble during the COVID-19 pandemic.

UNOS news related to COVID-19 and transplantation

Emergency actions help members protect patient safety and access to transplant during COVID-19

Key findings from the June 7 OPTN Executive Committee meeting on actions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

potential risks associated with PCR positive and PCR negative donors

COVID-19: What have we learned to prepare for the next wave?

Insights on donor PCR testing from the May 11 third international organ donation and transplant town hall webinar.

Mendez grant will support research by Darren Stewart, Gaurav Gupta, M.D., and Layla Kamal, M.D.

Bridging the gap: Kidney biopsy results and transplant survival outcomes

UNOS researchers seek to quantify the association between kidney-specific prognostic markers and post-transplant outcomes.

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Living it forward

Stories of hope

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