Message boards to UNet KPD system now available
Enhancement will allow KPD users to view match offer messages and keep track of deadlines.

Change to Waitlist field regarding pediatric lung candidates now in place
Audience: UNet users who enter data for pediatric lung candidates All OPO staff who use UNet Please share this notice with anyone in your organization who would benefit from this information. Implementation date: March 30, 2017 At-a-glance: In December 2015, the...
Waitlist enhancement allows you to edit SSN
Previously, if you needed to adjust the SSN for one of your transplant candidates, you had to make a data request or contact the UNOS Organ Center. A recent update to Waitlist allows you to now make that edit yourself.

Imminent and eligible definition data reporting changes
Effective Jan. 1, 2017; training available on UNOS Connect

UNOS wins international technology award
At its annual Connect conference, held this year on Nov. 17 in Paris, Talend selected UNOS for its highest level of recognition—a grand prize in its Data Masters awards.