UNOS researchers to present studies at American Transplant Congress
UNOS staff members will present their research at the 2020 American Transplant Congress May 30 through June 1.
UNOS staff members will present their research at the 2020 American Transplant Congress May 30 through June 1.
“A Randomized Trial of Mild Hypothermia and Machine Perfusion in Deceased Organ Donors for Protection against Delayed Graft Function in Kidney Transplant Recipients” is a study in brain dead organ donors.
A collaborative study between U.S. and U.K. researchers reveals shared learning opportunities that could spur increased kidney utilization rates.
UNOS researchers used simulated organ offers to test the effect of biopsies on kidney offers and published the results in the inaugural issue of Kidney360.
UNOS Labs and ASTS partnering to learn more about decisions related to organ offers.
UNOS data science manager used natural language processing (NLP) to improve kidney utilization. Learn more about organ placement discoveries.