More than 15,000 liver transplants performed in first two years of acuity circles policy
Two-year monitoring shows many states had volume changes within 10 percent of previous policy.
Two-year monitoring shows many states had volume changes within 10 percent of previous policy.
30% of all OPOs use the UNOS Organ Tracking Service to monitor organs in transit.
Implemented in 2015 , the HIV Organ Policy Equity (HOPE) Act has given more than 350 living with HIV an opportunity to receive a lifesaving transplant from an HIV-positive donor.
26% of all OPOs are now utilizing the UNOS Organ Tracking Service to monitor organs in transit.
Aimed at increasing equity, a report on new allocation policy shows increases in transplant among key populations.
The F.M. Kirby Foundation Organ Center is celebrating its 40th year of continuous operation without any service interruptions