Solutions for transplant hospitals

UNOS research and data analytics

Understand practices
Improve performance
Increase transplants

UNOS data analytics

Performance improvement data tools

clipboard icon with checkmark over bar graph

Benchmark against other transplant hospitals

Transplant Benchmark Report

Icon of two people connected by a red arrow to illustrate organ donation

Broaden organ acceptance and increase transplants

CARE tool

bar charts icon

Monitor and benchmark activity and outcomes

Transplant Program Dashboard

Icon of a lightbulb with partial gear base

Forecast trends in key outcome metrics

UNOS Predict

Icon with hospital and hand holding dashboard showing growth

Monitor key indicators of program activity

Key Insights Dashboard

Icons of 3 people standing in group

Powerful staffing benchmarks

UNOS Staffing Survey

clipboard icon with checkmark over bar graph

Submit multiple payor forms with a single RFI


Unlock insights with UNOS tools

A powerful suite of data and research analytics services, the UNOS tools help transplant programs improve patient outcomes, stay ahead of regulatory requirements, and drive quality and performance improvement initiatives.

UNOS Primer 2023

Transplant Benchmark Report

Compare. Understand. Improve.

Benchmark your data against other programs

Woman presenting with data charts on screen
clipboard icon with checkmark over bar graph

UNOS Transplant Benchmark Report

Released quarterly

Where do I find it?Accessible to users in the UNOS Data files section of the Data Services Portal.

Standard report

UNOS provides transplant hospitals with quarterly Benchmark Reports, offering insights into patient populations, listing practices, and transplant activity. Compare your data regionally, nationally, and with similarly sized programs.

Branded report

Complete your report with a custom look—include your corporate logos and colors in addition to the standard UNOS branding. The result? A professional-looking document perfect for executive presentations.

Benchmark customized report example

How do I request a branded report?Request these customizations in UNet℠, along with the other new analytical offerings for UNOS member transplant hospitals. Submit the UNOS Analytics Service Request form by using 'add a new request' on Secure Enterprise landing page.

Customized report

Enhance your report with even more custom options. 

How do I request a customized report?Request these customizations in UNet℠, along with the other new analytical offerings for transplant hospitals. Submit the UNOS Analytics Service Request form by using 'add a new request' on Secure Enterprise landing page.
Icon of a lightbulb with partial gear base

More customizations are coming—let us know your ideas.

Submit idea

Current customization options
  • Standard reports come with:
    • Customizable comparison groups
      • Select two other programs as added comparison groups within your waitlist and transplant chapters
    • Benchmark figure image files
      • Easily incorporate these graphics into your presentations
  • Each transplant program can select one of the following add to their standard report:
    • One-year patient and graft survival
    • 6-month and one-year follow-up form data
    • Donor offer acceptance rates
    • Waitlist volume trends

Care Tool

Learn what happened to the organs you turned down

CARE tool view of acceptance report
Icon of two people connected by a red arrow to illustrate organ donation


Updated weekly

Where do I find it?The dashboard is accessible to users in the UNOS Visual Analytics section of the Data Services Portal.

Understand your organ acceptance behavior

 Identify opportunities to increase organ acceptance without negatively impacting outcomes that save more lives.

Get specific

  • Visualize your organ acceptance for specific types of donors to transplant more organs
  • Learn what happened to the organs you turned down – get transplant-specific and aggregate outcomes
  • See maps to understand where your organs are coming from

Transplant Program Dashboard

Monitor and benchmark activity and performance

Track pre and post-transplant patient metrics

View of UNOS Transplant Program Dashboard
bar charts icon

UNOS Transplant Program Dashboard

Updated monthly

Where do I find it?The dashboard is accessible to users in the UNOS Visual Analytics section of the Data Services Portal.

Personalized interactive dashboard

This tool allows you to select specific transplant hospitals as your benchmarks. Get insights into:

  • Waiting list additions by various candidate characteristics
  • Current waiting list demographics (diagnosis, active/inactive, medical urgency, etc.)
  • Waiting list outcomes (transplant and mortality rates)
  • Transplant activity including recipient demographics and donor characteristics
  • Understand your post-transplant outcomes including causes of death/failure, length of stay, and evaluation of graft outcomes
  • Understand where patients from each state are being transplanted

UNOS Predict

Forecast program trends and take action

Know where you stand ahead of the PSRs

Four hands: one holding wrench, one holding lightbulb, one watering lightbulb with watering can, and one with magnifying glass
Hospital with clock icon

UNOS Predict

Updated monthly

Where do I find it?Accessible to users in the UNOS Visual Analytics section of the Data Services Portal.

Get specific

  • Users can customize the dashboard using filter selections for organ types, outcomes, donor type, and age groups
  • The dashboard displays observed and expected rates, hazard ratios, and red and yellow zone thresholds for performance monitoring

Track and predict program trends

  • Monitor the current state of your risk-adjusted outcomes for future program-specific report (PSR) cohorts
  • Use these trends to implement improvement plans in advance of future PSRs and avoid getting flagged by the MPSC

As close to real time as possible

  • Data points captured and publicly released by SRTR tell the data story retroactively
  • UNOS Predict provides data closer to real time, allowing your program to make improvements and course correct before it’s too late
What metrics are available today?
  • 90-day graft survival
  • 1-year conditional on 90-days graft survival
  • 1-year graft survival
  • Pre-transplant mortality

Offer acceptance data coming in 2025.

Key Insights Dashboard

Key indicators. At-a-glace understanding.

Executive level pulse check for your program

Group of healthcare providers sitting at meeting table
Icon with hospital and hand holding dashboard showing growth

UNOS Key Insights Dashboard

Updated weekly

Where do I find it?Accessible to users in the UNOS Visual Analytics section of the Data Services Portal.

Big picture

Displays 24 high-level indicators selected by a working group of your peers. Indicators are updated annually to stay on top of trends.

Make data-supported decisions

Quickly check trends for important measures:

  • Waitlist additions
  • Waitlist management
  • Transplants performed
  • Donor characteristics
  • Organ offers
  • Outcomes

Staffing Survey

Leverage the power of your most valuable asset-your staff.

Developed by and for Transplant Administrators

Group of healthcare providers sitting at meeting table
Three people icons standing close to each other

Staffing Survey

Conducted anually

Where do I find it?Survey accessible to users in the UNOS Visual Analytics section of the Data Services Portal.

Gain essential insights by participating

  • View summary and comparison staffing data from other programs to assist with your planning and hiring strategies
  • Understand staffing trends and strategies by reviewing aggregate data
  • Analyze results via a dashboard or export data for easy reporting


Payor forms simplified.
Never miss a deadline.

Icon with hospitals


Released anually

How do I get access?Reach out to your site security administrator.

Streamlined experience

Share your information with multiple payors through a single data collection tool.

  • Information from previous year’s submission comes pre-filled
  • Accessible directly through Secure Enterprise
  • Filter forms by progress status

UNOS custom solutions

Innovation for your data needs

Have a research or data need not covered by these tools? UNOS research experts can consult with you to solve for your unique need.

Custom registries and databases

Insights on patient population trends or improved outcome measures. Learn more.

Technology consulting

Statistical modeling and research experts for domestic or international development of optimal solutions.

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