WPFL Hospital Campaign Enters Phase V

WPFL Hospital Campaign Enters Phase V

HRSA’s WPFL “Let Life Bloom” Hospital Campaign—launched in 2011 to encourage hospitals to increase the number of registered donors—has by far been the most successful of WPFL’s targeted campaigns.

All the results aren’t yet tallied for Phase IV but, at last count, hospitals and transplant centers in coordination with their OPOs had registered more than 325,000 new donors.

One of the many reasons for the campaign’s extraordinary success is the participation and support of national partners (including AOPO, NATCO, UNOS and others), state and regional hospital associations, and DLA affiliates.

To continue the momentum, the campaign’s free online resources are being refreshed, including its campaign guide, press-release templates, downloadable web banners, PDFs of posters and table-tent cards, and more.

In addition, the campaign also will enhance its outreach to small and rural hospitals, encouraging them to join the effort.

Not yet enrolled in the WPFL’s hospital campaign?   All the information and resources you need to make a decision are here.

Be a part of the “winningest” WPFL campaign ever.  It’s not too late.

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