Update magazine ceases publication

Update magazine ceases publication

With mixed emotions, UNOS is ceasing publication of our print magazine, Update.  The March-April issue will be its last. This decision reflects the preference of a growing number of professionals to receive information rapidly and frequently, which on-line communications make possible. Additionally, the money saved by eliminating our print magazine will allow us to redesign and improve both the UNOS and OPTN websites as well as the member website, Transplant Pro.

We will continue to communicate critical information about policy, patient safety, and upcoming educational events through Transplant Pro and the OPTN websites.  We are also exploring ways of incorporating some of the feature stories from Update into Transplant Pro.  Send your ideas to [email protected] about anything OPTN- or UNOS-related you’d like to learn more about.

If you don’t already receive the monthly Transplant Pro e-newsletter, be sure to subscribe now.

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Thank you for your readership of Update over the years.  Please stay connected electronically!

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