New Support Center application launching October 28

New Support Center application launching October 28

On October 28, 2015,  UNOS implemented a new and enhanced Support Center portal for members needing assistance or service for UNOS’ applications.  Known as the UNOS Service Portal, it is intended to allow greater efficiency in fulfilling requests and provide more self-service capabilities for common needs or questions.

The request process will capture more detailed information that is required to process the request.  This should reduce the need for back-and-forth communications with UNOS staff and allow timelier fulfillment of your request.

As part of the new system, we updated the request forms that you use to submit a request for data reporting or modification. You can view these forms now.

The new system will display an estimated delivery date for completion of your request. The standard estimate will be within five business days of the date the request was submitted. If you have a more urgent need, you may add a comment to your request describing the need for earlier fulfillment.

New Help Feature – How Do I?

Use this feature to obtain quick instructions on some commonly requested tasks. If you click on the “How do I?” button under the Knowledge tab, you can choose from options like these:

  • Transfer patient to another transplant center
  • Update living donor information
  • Remove a malignancy form
  • Report patient as Lost to Follow-up
  • Report interim event – graft failure
  • Report interim event – recipient death
  • Update living donor’s name
  • Update candidate information in Waitlist

You will be able to rate the helpfulness of articles. Your feedback will allow us to build and refine this library of resources and documentation to address many of your common needs and questions.

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