Transplant programs may receive secure email regarding patient status information

Transplant programs may receive secure email regarding patient status information

Last August, UNOS introduced a new process for verifying with transplant programs the current status (living or dead) of certain candidates waitlisted, as well as recipients transplanted and/or followed post-transplant. This process involves using data from other sources to supplement patient status information already known to your transplant program. Information from some of these sources must be confirmed before being incorporated in the OPTN database.

We have modified the existing spreadsheets and instructions based on member feedback received during the pilot. (For example, the spreadsheets now have a ‘Check’ function to ensure members are entering only the necessary information for each patient.)

During the week of February 10, 2014, the Primary Program Administrator and Primary Data Coordinator transplant program might receive a secure e-mail from UNOS. That email will provide an Excel spreadsheet containing relevant information for each patient, as well as instructions for making the updates. Each program should complete the spreadsheet and return it to UNOS’ Data Quality group within 14 days.

All verified patient status information that is ultimately confirmed by your program or through another source, will then be incorporated into the OPTN database and will be used in OPTN and SRTR data analyses and reporting, including the Program Specific Reports.

If you have any questions, contact your regional administrator at (804) 782-4800 or send an email to [email protected].

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