Your transplant program may receive secure e-mail regarding your patient status information

Your transplant program may receive secure e-mail regarding your patient status information

To: Primary program administrators, primary physicians, primary surgeons, primary data coordinators, and OPTN representatives.

Your transplant program may receive secure e-mail regarding your patient status information

In 2013, UNOS introduced a new way of verifying with transplant programs the current status (living or dead) of certain waitlisted candidates, as well as recipients transplanted or followed post-transplant. This process involves using data from other sources to supplement patient status information your transplant program is already aware of. Information from some of these other sources must be confirmed before being incorporated in the OPTN database.

During the next few weeks, Primary Program Administrators and Primary Data Coordinators may receive a secure email from UNOS, with an Excel spreadsheet containing relevant information for each patient, and instructions for making the updates. If your program receives a secure e-mail, you should complete the spreadsheet and return it to UNOS’ Data Quality group within 14 days.

We will then incorporate into the OPTN database all verified and confirmed patient status information, to be used in OPTN and SRTR data analyses and reporting, including the Program Specific Reports.

If you have any questions, contact your regional administrator at (804) 782-4800 or send an e-mail to [email protected].

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