Training for Liver Regional Review Board Members

Training for Liver Regional Review Board Members

Members of the liver Regional Review Boards (RRBs) consider all the medical facts submitted with each liver exception score request and determine whether or not to grant a higher score.

Dr. Ryutaro Hirose, Chair of the OPTN/UNOS Liver and Intestinal Organ Transplantation Committee, presented an RRB educational webinar on September 10.

During this webinar, Dr. Hirose discusses the purpose of the RRB, member roles and responsibilities, and guidance on what to look for when reviewing exception applications.

While this webinar was designed for RRB members in order to standardize the exception review process, it may be useful for liver center personnel who write exception justifications.

After this webinar, you will be able to:

  • describe the liver peer review process
  • understand the responsibilities of review board member
  • recognize what constitutes an appropriate justification narrative
  • identify the approved exceptions outlined in OPTN/UNOS policies

Access a recording of the webinar.

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