Reminder for pancreas programs about maximum allowable BMI

Reminder for pancreas programs about maximum allowable BMI

We implemented a new Pancreas Allocation System In October 2014. That system included a waiting time criterion that specified a maximum allowable BMI for adult kidney-pancreas candidates with a C-peptide > 2 ng/mL. The BMI was initially set at 28 kg/m2, but policy stipulated that the data would be reviewed every six months to determine whether it should be raised or lowered based on the percent of active kidney-pancreas candidates with a C-peptide > 2 ng/mL.

After our first review we raised the BMI to 30 kg/m2 on July 15, 2015 and it remains at 30 currently. See the original system notice. We will notify pancreas programs through a system notice if it changes after any future reviews. You may reference the most up-to-date policy document on the OPTN website.

As a general policy reminder, make it a point to bookmark the policy notices page on the OPTN website and check it frequently. You can see which policies have been approved pending implementation and notice to members. Or you can scroll down the page to see which policies have already been implemented. Links from this page will bring you conveniently to information related to each policy change, including the policy notice, the board briefing paper, the public comment proposal, and more.

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