Public comment sought on criteria for research involving transplantation to HIV-positive donor organs to HIV-positive recipients

Public comment sought on criteria for research involving transplantation to HIV-positive donor organs to HIV-positive recipients

In a Federal Register notice published June 18, 2015, the National Institutes of Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services seeks public comment on criteria for research involving transplantation of organs from HIV-positive donors to HIV-positive recipients. The criteria are being developed in accord with the HIV Organ Policy Equity Act, also known as the HOPE Act.

The goals of the proposed criteria are to ensure that research using organs from HIV-positive donors is conducted in ways that protect the safety of research participants and the general public, and to ensure that the research results may be used to evaluate the safety of organ transplantation from HIV-positive donors to HIV-positive recipients.

The criteria are arranged into six broad categories:

  • Donor eligibility
  • Recipient eligibility
  • Transplant hospital criteria
  • Organ procurement organization responsibilities
  • Prevention of inadvertent transmission of HIV
  • Required outcome measures

Public comments will be accepted through August 17, 2015.

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