Public comment features new, blog-style format

Public comment features new, blog-style format

Ten proposals are currently open for public comment on the OPTN website, and a new format is available for submitting and viewing comments. As with many news and discussion blogs, comments will be posted online and will allow visitors to either respond directly to them or submit new comments.

After completing a brief form, your comment will be posted and viewable to other site visitors after a review. Threaded comments are available to encourage discussion of issues. You can also endorse comments of others, similar to a Facebook “like.” As they become available, comments from OPTN Regional meetings committees will also be posted in this format. Additionally, there is a brief survey you can access from each proposal page. Feel free to provide your feedback so we can improve the information and format of future OPTN proposals.

Public comment extends through March 27.

View proposals and comment

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