OPTN/UNOS Officers and Board Members Elected

OPTN/UNOS Officers and Board Members Elected

Richmond, Va.  — Members of the national Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) have elected 15 members to its Board of Directors, including a new president, vice president and treasurer.

The OPTN brings together medical professionals, transplant recipients and donor families to develop national organ transplantation policy.  The OPTN is managed by the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) under contract with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Division of Transplantation.   The OPTN Board of Directors also serves as the Board of Directors for UNOS.

These positions will be effective at the conclusion of the Board meeting on June 25, 2013.

President – Kenneth A. Andreoni, M.D., Shands Hospital at University of Florida

Vice President/President Elect – Carl L. Berg, M.D., Duke University Hospital

Treasurer Laura M. Murdock-Stillion, M.H.A., Ohio State University Medical Center

Immediate Past President – John P. Roberts, M.D., University of California San Francisco Medical Center

Minority Transplant Professional RepresentativeChristopher M. Jones, M.D., Jewish Hospital

Region 2 Councillor – Michael E. Shapiro, M.D., Hackensack University Medical Center

Region 8 Councillor – Harvey Solomon, M.D., St. Louis University Hospital

Region 10 Councillor – Marwan S. Abouljoud, M.D., Henry Ford Hospital

Region 11 Councillor – David Shaffer, M.D., Ph.D., Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Histocompatibility Representative – John A. Gerlach, Ph.D., D(ABHI), Immunohematology and Serology Laboratory, Michigan State University

OPO Representative – Susan A. Stuart, RN, M.P.H., Center for Organ Recovery and Education

Transplant Coordinator Representative – Craig W. Myrick, RN, CPTC, Intermountain Donor Services

Patient and Donor Affairs and Voluntary Health Organization Representatives:
Ray J. Gabel, B.A.
Donald J. Olenick, J.D., M.P.A.
Vicky L. Young, Ph.D., M.A., M.Ed.

NOTE: The Board will make a future determination on filling the term for Region 1 Councillor.  The nominee for that position, David Hull, M.D., passed away during the election.

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