OPTN/UNOS Nominating Committee seeks board nominations

OPTN/UNOS Nominating Committee seeks board nominations

You know these individuals. They are experienced, innovative and dedicated members of the transplant community who want to improve our nation’s transplant system. We’d like people like this to serve on our OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors and we are currently accepting nominations.

It’s important to know that even though these are volunteer positions, board members are expected to attend and be prepared for two in-person board meetings a year. UNOS will cover all expenses related to board meeting travel. You can find additional information on the OPTN site about what board members do, how they are elected and how they work with committees.

Open positions for the 2016 election are:

Vice president/president-elect. This position is a one-year term, followed by a one-year term as the organization’s president. The vice president/president-elect also serves on the OPTN/UNOS Executive Committee and UNOS’ Corporate Affairs Committee.
Secretary. This is a two-year position.
Thoracic Transplant Surgeon. This is a two-year position.
4 At Large Representatives These are two-year positions. They are available when needed to make sure we maintain the standard ratio of M.D.s, non-M.D.s, OPO reps, etc. on the Board.

  • 2 At Large (M.D.) Representatives
  • 1 At Large (Non-M.D.) Representatives
  • 1 At Large OPO Representative

4 Patient and donor affairs representatives. These individuals serve a three-year term. They represent the experience and perspective of transplant candidates or recipients, living donors, and family members of donors, recipients or candidates.

If you or someone you know is interested in running for one of these positions, complete a candidate biography form and email it to Karen Rice by Friday, October 9. Email is preferred, but you can also fax the form to (804) 782-4816.

The board of directors will approve the slate of nominees at its December 2015 meeting. Nominees whose names appear on the slate will be called by the CEO of UNOS after the board meeting. Nominees who did not make the slate will be notified by mail.

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