OPTN/UNOS Board approves Fiscal Year 2014 budgets and fee structure

OPTN/UNOS Board approves Fiscal Year 2014 budgets and fee structure

The OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors, meeting by conference call August 14, approved OPTN and UNOS budgets for Fiscal Year 2014.  UNOS’ budget for the upcoming fiscal year is approximately $51.7 million, of which approximately $44 million will cover OPTN operations.

Total registration fees will increase from $776 to $957 for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2013.  The OPTN registration fee accounts for $810 of the total, and the UNOS registration fee is $147.

The primary reason for the substantial fee increase is the need to devote significant resources to support the OPTN’s technology needs on an ongoing basis.  These needs include system security, updated programming infrastructure, adequate capital equipment, periodic transformational change to all system components (such as UNetSM, DonorNet® and Tiedi®), and implementation of previously approved policies and bylaws.  Additional funding will also be needed to support new tasks and responsibilities identified in the recently renewed OPTN contract and to build reserve funds to address contingencies.

A formal notice also will be sent to member representatives.

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