OPO Staff Need to be Aware of Critical Changes to the DonorNet XML Schema

OPO Staff Need to be Aware of Critical Changes to  the DonorNet XML Schema

Attn: OPO Executive Directors, Procurement Directors, and Quality Staff

It is critically important that you and any of your staff responsible for overseeing IT vendors are aware of some UNetSM system changes that will take place on Aug. 10, 2015 from 6:30a.m. until 8:00a.m. Please visit the UNetSM homepage to read the  vendor notice and  accompanying schema diagrams carefully (Read 7/23 vendor notice-Upcoming Changes to Waitlist File Layouts & DonorNet XML Schema: Important Details).

The most important thing you should remember, however, is this: you must make the changes that we specify in the XML schema at the same time UNOS  makes ours (6:30a.m. – 8:00a.m. on Aug. 10). If you don’t, your donor data will not be imported successfully and you will have to manually enter all of your data in order to run matches and make organ offers. Please talk with your IT vendors and emphasize that  these changes take place on Aug. 10 at the specified time.

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