New OPO Best Practices Video Available

New OPO Best Practices Video Available

Attendees of the 2016 UNOS Primer indicated that communicating with donor families was a topic they were interested in. As part of our continuing series on effective practices, two OPOs in Region 4 share how using the Dual Advocacy® method helped them increase the number of organs available for transplant.

After watching this 18 minute video you will be able to:

  • Describe the Dual Advocacy® approach to donor authorization and consent
  • Illustrate two effective practices for obtaining donor authorization and consent

How do I access the video?
You will find all of UNOS’ educational offerings on our learning management system, UNOS Connect. From the course catalog, locate The Art of the Ask: Donor Authorization and Consent in the Quality category. Register for the course and click Entrance Survey to begin.

Continuing Education Information
If you pass the assessment and complete the exit survey, you will receive .25 category 1 CEPTCs. To pass, you can answer only one question incorrectly. If you miss more than one, you will need to re-register and complete the assessment again.

Register now for related webinar
Nov. 15, 2016 from 2p.m. – 3p.m. ET
In this town hall-style webinar, Region 4 OPOs and one of their local transplant hospitals will share how they collaborated to assess their needs and build partnerships that had a positive impact on organ donation and transplantation.

After completing the webinar, you will be able to:

  • Describe two barriers to increasing the number of organs available for transplant
  • Illustrate two practices that have been effective in increasing the number of organs available for transplant

You’ll also receive 1.5 CEPTC credits

Follow these steps to register through UNOS Connect:

  • In the course catalog under the live webinars category, select the course title: Regional 4 OPOs: Assessing the Need and Building Partnerships.
  • Click register on the right hand side of the screen (you will receive a confirmation email).
  • Be sure to take the entrance survey before the event starts.
  • You will receive 1.5 CEPTC credits if you view the webinar, complete an evaluation and pass the assessment.
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