New Extra Vessel Reports Now Available in TIEDI®

New Extra Vessel Reports Now Available in TIEDI®

Audience: All UNetSM users


Beginning Wednesday, November 18, 2015, UNetSM users with the proper permissions will be able to access and print three new extra vessel report types in TIEDI®:

  • Stored more than 14 days
  • Not reported after 21 days
  • Reported late

You can access the reports by selecting Extra Vessel Reports from the drop down menu under the extra vessels tab in the main menu. Detailed help documentation is available. To access it, click the question mark next to the page headers for Extra Vessel Reporting, Extra Vessel Search and Extra Vessel Reports.

Report details:

According to policy, all transplant centers must report the final disposition (use or destruction) of extra vessels to the OPTN within 7 calendar days of the vessel disposition. The new vessel reports in TIEDI® will help you keep track of your outstanding reports.

Vessels Stored More than 14 Days– lists donors whose vessels are considered expired because they were stored more than 14 days from the donor’s recovery date. Sorted by the donor’s recovery date and displays the oldest at the top. Vessel Dispositions

Not Reported after 21 days–lists donors whose vessel disposition has not been reported after 21 days from the donor’s recovery date. Sorted by the donor’s recovery date and displays the oldest at the top.

Vessel Dispositions Reported Late—lists donors whose vessel disposition was reported more than 7 days from the vessel transplant or destruction date.


If you have difficulty accessing or creating any of the new vessel reports, contact UNOS Customer Service at 800-978-4334.

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