New effective date for revised OPTN ‘imminent and eligible death data definitions’

New effective date for revised OPTN ‘imminent and eligible death data definitions’

Revised “imminent and eligible death data definitions” will take effect January 1, 2015, after the OPTN/UNOS board of directors approved a change at the November meeting. HRSA recommended that the effective date be extended from December 1, 2013, to allow time to coordinate communication and education. The OPTN and CMS will work together to align the definitions so OPOs will not be required to report two different sets of definitions. The OPO committee will develop a webinar to educate and inform OPOs before the new definitions become effective.

New OPTN Controlled DCD Policy Language Approved

The board approved new policy requirements for controlled donation after circulatory death, effective February 1, 2014.  The new policy language addresses the timing of donation discussion, clarifies timeout requirements prior to initiating donor procedures, and addresses safeguards for implementing DCD decisions involving a conscious patient.

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