Kidney Accelerated Placement project ended July 15, one-year pilot comes to a close

Kidney Accelerated Placement project ended July 15, one-year pilot comes to a close

On July 18, 2019, as part of the response to the Executive Order on Advancing American Kidney Health, the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network launched the Kidney Accelerated Placement project, or KAP, as a one-year project to assess whether accelerating the placement of extremely hard-to-place kidneys via the Organ Center could increase the utilization of this particular category of kidneys.

The KAP pilot project ended effective July 15, 2020. Accelerated offers for hard-to-place kidneys are no longer being made at the national level.

The Organ Center has discontinued kidney accelerated placement offers at the national level, and all national kidney allocation have reverted back to the standard allocation in place prior to KAP.

The data from this one-year project is being analyzed. A report with detailed data about the KAP project will be released, and future steps are still to be determined. These steps may include new approaches to accelerating hard-to-place kidneys, and could involve future phases of the project.

The KAP project was developed to improve placement of national kidney offers and was based on feedback from the community. Any future iterations of KAP will also incorporate member feedback.

Read more about the ways UNOS is collaborating with the donation and transplant community to increase organ utilization and save lives.

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