Efficient organ allocation: A message from Gift of Life Michigan’s Walter Herczyk

Efficient organ allocation: A message from Gift of Life Michigan’s Walter Herczyk

“Within the last two years I’ve seen the UNOS team at work on electronic notification algorithms, APIs to help with seamless data exchange for image sharing, organ offer filters and mobile applications, to name a few. All of this work helps to improve and make organ allocation as efficient of a process as possible.”

In my many years as a member of the United Network for Organ Sharing Board of Directors, and now as chair of the UNOS IT Advisory Committee and the Network Operations Oversight Committee of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Board of Directors, I have learned to appreciate the great work and value that UNOS Chief Technology Officer Alex Tulchinsky and his team brings to the table. UNOS team members are continually working to find solutions and discover new ways to increase access to organ transplants nationwide.

“UNOS is a very different and much more progressive organization than it was even just five years ago. The organization has made amazing progress balancing so many competing interests, and helping transplant more people than ever before.”

LifeGift President and CEO Kevin Myer

I am not sure if the organ donation and transplant community is fully appreciative of all of the behind-the-scenes work done by the UNOS IT departments to make sure new organ allocation policies and changes to procedures occur seamlessly.

Additionally, the UNOS team is continuously reaching out to the community for innovative ideas from other groups such as the American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, the American Society of Transplant Surgeons, and the Association of Organ Procurement Organizations. The practice of continually involving the community ensures that UNOS is engaged with the pulse of the people involved with organ allocation, and it provides another prospective to help the organization focus on the needs of the community.

Within the last two years I’ve seen the UNOS team at work on electronic notification algorithms, APIs to help with seamless data exchange for image sharing, organ offer filters and mobile applications, to name a few. All of this work helps to improve and make organ allocation as efficient of a process as possible. Having experience working with both organ procurement organizations and transplant hospitals, I can attest that the seamless workflow provided by UNOS benefits the end users of the IT programs that they create.

“As a recipient parent, I am comforted that UNOS is always improving its ability to match donors to recipients — as they did for my son. As an information technology professional, I am pleased that UNOS is continuously improving and working toward best practices.”

Joseph Hillenburg, transplant dad, information technology professional and OPTN Board of Directors member

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