Input sought on concept document for liver distribution

Input sought on concept document for liver distribution

The OPTN/UNOS Liver and Intestinal Organ Transplantation Committee requests feedback from the transplant community, other stakeholders and the public regarding next steps to consider as it seeks to increase equity in access to liver transplantation.

The committee has prepared a paper summarizing challenges in fair access to liver transplants posed by geographic disparity, concepts under current consideration, and alternative approaches investigated.

The concept document also includes a link to a questionnaire.  Feedback from the questionnaire will be used to develop a national public forum for participants to be held in September 2014 in Chicago to further discuss the concepts in the paper, seek additional input from interested stakeholders, and recommend ways to address current inequities in access to liver transplantation.

Any interested person or organization is encouraged to read the concept document and respond to the questionnaire by July 11, 2014.

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