U.S. leads world in rates of deceased donors, key transplant categories

U.S. leads world in rates of deceased donors, key transplant categories

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The U.S. transplant system saves more lives than any other country in the world.

* Rates per million population. Source: International Registry on Organ Donation and Transplantation.

The February 2021 newsletter of the International Registry in Organ Donation and Transplantation (IRODaT) ranks the United States highest in the world in the rate of deceased donation and rates of kidney and liver transplantation, based on 2020 preliminary data. IRODaT calculates the rates by comparing the reported number of donors and transplant procedures by million population for each nation.

The full report is accessible here.

Updated Sept. 21, 2021

International data ranks the U.S. highest in rates of deceased donors and of kidney and liver transplants from deceased donors.

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