Important Reminder for OPO Staff Regarding Zero Mismatch Shares through UNet

Important Reminder for OPO Staff Regarding Zero Mismatch Shares through UNet

As of February 15, 2013, OPOs that place zero mismatch shares through UNet (not through the Organ Center) will no longer receive a reminder email from the Organ Center about submitting the necessary paperwork to process the payback credits for those shares.

Although the Organ Center has been sending these email reminders since June 2007, data indicates these reminders are no longer necessary.  In the last quarter of 2012, only about 1 share every nine weeks did not meet the policy requirements to have the payback credit processed.

Policy Language

OPTN/UNOS policy states: “…If the Host OPO chooses to share the zero antigen mismatch through UNetSM, the Host OPO must submit a completed Kidney Payback Accounting Sheet within 5 business days of the organ(s) recovery, defined as cross clamping of the donor aorta, to report the sharing. A payback credit will not be assigned until: 1) the Organ Center receives the Kidney Payback Accounting Sheet documenting the zero antigen mismatch share and 2) the zero antigen mismatch share can be verified (i.e. cross clamp and final acceptance has been entered) in UNetSM. If the Host OPO does not report the sharing within 5 business days of the organ(s) recovery, the OPO will forfeit the payback credit.” 

This policy does not apply to zero mismatch shares offered through the Organ Center.  Payback credit accounting for any zero mismatch organs shared through the Organ Center are processed at the time of the share.

Contact Lianne Fasig, Operations Coordinator for the Organ Center at (804) 782-4610

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