Expedited appeals and override reviews of thoracic review board decisions

Expedited appeals and override reviews of thoracic review board decisions

Policies regarding the lung and heart review board process (6.3.A, 10.2.B.i and 10.2.B.ii) specify the Thoracic Committee’s role in reviewing appeals and overrides of Lung Review Board (LRB) and Heart Regional Review Board (RRB) decisions. The Thoracic Committee created a subcommittee to review override referrals and appeals of LRB and RRB decisions. The subcommittee will provide faster reviews and feedback to the requesting transplant program. The cases will be determined by a majority vote of the subcommittee.

Members of the subcommittee will be:

  • Chair and vice-chair of the Thoracic Committee
  • Heart subcommittee chair
  • Lung subcommittee chair
  • Organ-specific at-large committee member*

The Thoracic Committee will review this process after a year.

*The Thoracic Committee chair will appoint the at-large member to a one-year term. The at-large member will be a cardiologist or heart transplant surgeon if the case originates from a heart RRB and will be a pulmonologist or lung transplant surgeon if the case originates from the LRB.


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