Executive summary available for living kidney donation consensus conference

Executive summary available for living kidney donation consensus conference

Eleven transplant-related societies, organizations and companies, including UNOS, sponsored and attended a living kidney donation consensus conference in Rosemont, IL on June 5-6, 2014. These groups convened to identify a number of best practices directly related to the donation and transplantation of living kidney donors.

Sixty-seven transplant professionals, patients and other key stakeholders shared ideas about:

  • Educating transplant candidates and potential living donors about living kidney donation
  • Efficiencies in the living donor evaluation process
  • Disparities in living donation
  • Financial and systemic barriers to living donation

You can read an executive summary of the conference, which contains the following outcomes:

  • Educational and clinical recommendations
  • Transplant program recommendations
  • Public policy recommendations
  • Recommended research priorities

You can also read a letter from the conference chairs, which explains the importance of embracing these best practices and sharing them with colleagues in order to further the mission of living kidney donation and transplantation.

For more information, contact

The Meeting Chairs:
Dianne LaPointe Rudow, ANP DNP [email protected]
Rebecca Hays, MSW APSW [email protected]
Jim Rodrigue, PhD [email protected]

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