Enrollment begins for NIH-sponsored donor heart study (DHS)

Enrollment begins for NIH-sponsored donor heart study (DHS)

Attn: Transplant Program Directors

Dr. Kiran Khush of Stanford University will lead a Donor Heart Study (DHS) sponsored by the National Institutes of Health. The DHS is a prospective observational study that will provide evidence-based strategies for evaluating and accepting donor hearts for transplantation.

Read study synopsis.

Due to the observational nature of this study, organ recipients do not need to be consented. No PHI will be collected and all data will be de-identified.

The study enrollment started February 19, 2015, and aims to enroll a cohort of 5000 donors over the next 5 years. The following OPOs from 6 UNOS regions are involved: California Transplant Donor Network, Donor Network of Arizona, Gift of Hope Illinois, Gift of Life Michigan, LifeGift Texas, LifeLink Georgia, and New England Organ Bank.

If you have any questions about the study, please contact one of the following Stanford University research staff:

Manjit K. Bhandal, Clinical Research Coordinator, [email protected], 6507244740
Helen Luikart, RN, Research Nurse Manager, [email protected], 6507242883
Kiran K. Khush, MD, PI, [email protected]

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