Eliminating combined heart/lung program status. What does this mean for existing programs?

Eliminating combined heart/lung program status. What does this mean for existing programs?

At its June 2013 meeting, the OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors voted to eliminate the separate program designation requirement for combined heart/lung programs (Appendix J of the Bylaws).  Beginning September 1, 2013, any transplant hospital that has currently approved programs for heart and lung transplantation may also perform combined heart/lung transplants without additional approval.

What does this mean for you?

  1. Even though UNOS will be eliminating the combined designation, if you already have an approved heart/lung program, you will remain that way in our system so that you will continue to receive matches. Nothing will change on your end until we make back-end changes to UNet to accommodate the modified bylaw.
  2. If you are currently approved to perform both heart transplants AND lung transplants, then you no longer need to submit an application for approval to perform combined heart/lung transplants. A heart/lung program status will appear as Active, approval not required so you can list heart/lung candidates.
  3. If either the heart or the lung transplant program is made inactive, the heart/lung program becomes inactive. This will be carried out by UNOS.

If you have any questions, please contact your regional administrator at 804-782-4800.

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